Chapter 15: Solace

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The weekend was about to end. The next week was going to be a little off. Hamza was going to Karachi, Zain received a call from her mother who told him that she is returning. Hakim was in seventh heaven as he won the deal. Zain didn't showed his face to him after that day.

On Thursday Hamza shared moments with each and every classmate and teachers too. Everyone wished him luck in future. On Friday the three of them left for Karachi to spend some good time and gather up some pleasant memories together. They went to the sea, for what this city is known for aside of many more reasons among people.

"Hey hey Hamza let's ride on that camel!" Zain exclaimed.

Hamza looked up and refused.

"Really are you that scared?" Talha inquired chuckling.

"No, I'm just good here. In this pleasant water."

"You know he's scared of camels. Let me share a very memorable story with you-" Zain uttered while Hamza jumped on him and squeezed his mouth pulling him in the water simultaneously.

"Don't listen to him!!! EVER!!! SHUT UP!!"

"Let me.... Let me go!!!! The water is salty!!! BITCH LET GO!!!!"

Talha was laughing at the scenario. Moments after the three of them were peacefully sitting on the camel with a red bump under Hamza's eye. Yep, he lost.

Zain and Talha were shouting and hooting as they were enjoying the adventurous camel ride while Hamza was kinda scared and was squeezing himself between those two.

"Ok, ok Hamza get ready the camel is about to sit." Zain smirked.

All we could see was the fear of death in his eyes. Tears slide down.

"Ahhh really Hamza! You are crying! You are making my wet clothes more wet!!!!" Talha chuckled.

"1,2,3 Go!!!!" And the camel slowly bowed down, literally Hamza was screeching like hell. he was as afraid as he could be. Zain clutched him from the back and placed his chin on his shoulder.
"Don't cry, if we'll fall we'll fall together." He whispered wrapping his arms around both of his friends. Talha smiled at him back.

You are an angel. Honestly.

He smiled at his friends as the camel settled down.

After this memorable outing they went to many popular places of Karachi. Talha was the guide as he had visited the city before. He knew many amusing and lively places. He took them to many restaurants and parks, Some hangouts. As the sun was about to set they booked a room in a hotel.

That night the three of them slept together. At midnight Hamza went to the washroom and on his way back he heard some noises from the balcony. He went outside.

"As if I didn't know you will be here." He said walking in. Zain hurriedly turned back wiping the tears off his face.

"Now tell me why are you crying?" He asked sitting on the chair beside Zain.

"Noth- nothing it's nothing." He sniffed.

Hamza looked him in the eyes and raised his eyebrows.

"I- it's just I don't want you to leave too." He Bemoaned resting his head on Hamza's shoulder. He caressed Zain's head.

"Zain listen I know how sad you are. I know. Seeing everyone leave eventually hurts alot but you have to be strong."

"How can I." He mumbled.

"Don't worry I'll come back. Do you think it's easy for me to live far away from you? No man! I love you more than you."

"I don't know but I can't figure out the solution of everything. I don't want Hania to forcibly get married just because of my stupid act. I don't know how she's acting so fresh but I know she'll be cursing me in her heart."

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