Chapter 63: every moment is gold with you

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That evening both of them had their pleasant time in the shower. Zain had Hania pinned on the wall as both of them kissed passionately. Both of them had their hands in each other’s hair as they messed them up. The water tingling down their necks and all the way down to toes. Zain slightly moved away as he put a strand of hair behind her ear. Hania was all reddened and she seemed like a baby. She looked up in his eyes which were ogling her.

He is so gentle. She thought.
A gentleman.

He than pecked her continuously until she giggled and pushed him away. Zain chuckled along with her. He than wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him so close that there was no space left between them. He than looked up at the water rushing from the shower.

“Hania you are so soft.”
Hania raised her eyes and giggled.

“of course I’ll be, I’m a girl.”
Zain nodded.

“Its been months since our wedding, now that we are this close I feel relieved.”

“Relieved about what?”

“About not loosing you, again.”
Hania looked away.

Why is he always so emotional. She thought while looking around.

Zain than moved back and washed himself properly. He than turned to her, he first look at her in the eyes and than his sight went on her body. Hania matched his eyes and bashfully turned around.

What is he thinking now?! Why does he always do things which are quite unexpected for me?! She thought nervously. She than glanced at Zain again but he wasn’t looking at her anymore. He than stretched his arm and than turned to her. Zain was wearing his underwear.  The only one who was completely naked in the shower was Hania. Zain than stared at her for a moment while Hania awkwardly looked around. He than sighed and stepped out of the shower.

“I’m going to Mr. Tahir’s place it’ll take  time,  I might come late at night so don’t wait for me and go to bed, ok?” Zain uttered.

Hania nodded as she saw his husband walking to the mirror. He was looking at himself, his arm, his tinsy scare on the forehead because of the jump and than his face. Hania was staring at him. She than walked to him and back hugged him. Zain slightly moved. He looked back and glanced at Hania who had her face on his back so all he could see was her hair.

“I love you.” She mumbled, “I love you so much that it makes me cry sometimes.”
Zain was listening her.

“Sometimes I just don’t want to let go of you, not because you’re my husband or anything but because it’s you, Zain Javed it’s you. That boy from almost an year ago who proposed me but I rejected mercilessly.”
Zain sniggered at this sentence of her.

Was it a compliment or taunt? He thought.

“Oh come on, that’s past. Past is past that’s what you always tell me right and I don’t want to get reminded by that rejection.”
Hania giggled and than moved back. Suddenly she elated, her cheeks puffed up, all reddened with happiness as her hair bounced. Zain was at a loss of words, his eyes were wide opened by her beauty. She than zapped forward and kissed his back, Zain moaned internally, he got goosebumps. She than kissed it again and again until she burst into laughter, Zain was astonished. Hania moved back she throws back her head and sighed.

“Suddenly I feel horny.” She giggled.
Zain slightly moved back.

What’s gotten into her again?! He thought.
Hania ogled at him.

“No it’s not horny I guess suddenly I feel like I’m filled up with butterflies and I wanna share those butterflies with you.” She smiled and than pouted with her eyes closed. Zain was first flustered but than he eased down. He smiled and than flicked her lips gently.

“What if I reject?”

“Than I’m gonna beat you up.” she mumbled with a pout. Zain burst into laughter as he punched the slab.

“Oh you sure are funny.” He than turned to her and smooched her lips with his. That kiss was indeed passionate. He than benched her up while they kissed. He walked her to the bed and put her on it and her body slightly bounced on the mattress. Zain than ogled at her wife lying down in front of her naked.

Woh what a sight! He thought. He than rolled his tongue in his mouth and crawled on her. He than rolled his finger on her belly and stopped it on her bellybutton. Hania was already moaning. He than smirked and kissed her while rubbing her thigh.


That evening They had a quite pleasant time together again. Both of them were lying together as Zain as sharing his stories while Hania was playing with his hands.

“So that’s how I got my ass beaten by my senior.” He finished his long tale.
Hania nodded, she was resting on his left arm while she played with his fingers, “ You have big hands.” She said as she matched hers with his, Zain looked at them.

“Yeah I guess.” he than looked at Hania’s hand which was smaller than his and smiled, he than intertwined his fingers crossed her. Hania looked him up and smiled, she than moved her head from his arm to his chest and closed her eyes. For a moment both of them had their eyes closed when suddenly Zain jolted up. Hania zapped back in aghast.

“What is it?!” she asked in astound.

“I had to visit Mr. Tahir.” He uttered. He than jumped of the bed and pulled up his pants and then pulled his arms out of the sleeves of his light blue sweat shirt and put on his shoes while balancing on one leg. Hania was staring at him who was rushing around the room.
He than rushed to the door than glanced at Hania, he than ran to her and pecked her.

“Bye take care.” And he ran off.


Talha came out of the restroom with towel tied around his waist. Harim was busy feeding the cat they just petted. She looked up and drowned away in coy.

“Look who’s here!! A man with a big dxxk!!!” Harim mocked while rolling on the ground.
Talha sniggered with his hands on his waist and his chin up.

“You’re right  haha!”
Harim than sat up again and giggled, she than ran to him and hugged him while rubbing her checks on his chest.

“We are getting married in three weeks!!! I’m so excited!!!”
Talha caressed her head and smiled.

“I’m more excited than you.” He mumbled while Bowing down to match her height.
Harim than spined around and jumped on the sofa.

“I love you!!’ she shouted while laughing.

“Awwww you look like a smwal cat cat I watcha smoochh chu~” Talha said in a cherishing and childish tone. He than jumped on the sofa with her. Harim was about to loose her balance when he held her.

“Careful!!” he laughed. Harim who was already giggling didn’t cared much about her fall. She than intertwined her hands with his and than started moving it back and fro.

“So where are we going to Honeymoon?”

“First let us get married hihi.”

“Oh come-on! Future planning is
important you know.”

“Than how many children are we planning to make?”
Harim kicked his waist and clenched her teeth, Talha groaned.

“First let us get married.” She uttered.

Talha nodded with tears of regrets in his eyes. He than looked at her and shoved his shoulders.

“Whatever, let’s just enjoy for now.” He said and benched Harim up, they were about to fall when Talha got of the sofa. Harim was giggling as she removed his hair from his forehead. Talha than smirked and kissed her neck. The kiss trailed from her collarbone and again to the neck upto the jaw, to the cheek, getting closer and closer to her lips until they finally smooched each other. Harim wrapped her arms around his neck while he rubbed her neck with one hand and held her waist with the other.


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