Chapter 54 : So Much For My Happy Ending

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A/N: Hey there, upper eastsiders. Oh my god that felt so cool im gonna keep going and you better read it in the GG voice.

Sorry for being completely MIA these past few months. A lot of ish's to deal with, but I am back and ready to quest and conquer. So I hope you're ready. Cause there's a lot to go on just about now. So stay tuned.

Xoxo, Gossip Girl.

**Avery's POV**

"These boots really are not made for walking," I grumbled as I practically stomped down the porch steps and out onto the driveway. Zoe chuckled behind me, locking the door.

"First of all, they're heels; not boots." She said. "And two; Shush. You look hot-and to be hot, you must work through the pain that beauty may or may not decide to bring you. God, have I taught you nothing?" I shook my head and rolled my eyes. She did have a bit of a point though. The last time I looked like this, was when I had that little dinner fiasco with Harry many moons ago.

I was wearing a sort of white, creamy summer flowy dress, with these red pumps and an old jacket that was actually Zoe's moms from back in the 80's. That was the theme for this party were attending at this moment. The big, senior farewell party. Practically everyone going. It's weird to think about. I always thought as for when these sort of events came for my senior year, I'd just stay home and read or something or play with my cat. But here I am. Attending the traditional senior party. Quite ironic.

Zoe and I both hopped into her car, her in the driver's seat and me in the passenger.

I took a glance at her as I buckled in my seatbelt. Zoe looked amazing, as usual. Her hair was all up and frizzy, but in a good way, and she was wearing leopard and zebra print. She looked like Katy Perry in the T.G.I.F. music video. Except without the braces.

"I'm surprised you didn't wanna catch a ride with Harry," she chuckled as she began pulling out of the driveway.

I shrugged. "He said he wanted to surprise me with his 80's outfit."

She hummed. "Well I'm sure he'll be surprised with your outfit. You look totally bangable."

Without any thought or hesitation, I said, "Amen sista." Normally I would have scolded her for that comment and turned away blushing like a mad woman. But lately, those little comments don't seem to bother me. I just roll along with them. I'm a totally different me since last term. I can make eye contact with people. I don't ask the girls to order in food for me, cause I get scared doing it for myself. Wow.

I've really changed.

I shook the thought out of my head, but as I did, I noticed that Zoe didn't move for a moment, and turned to me for a slight moment as we hit a stoplight. It was almost like her eyes were analyzing me like some type of machine. I looked at her and saw her smiling. Not a smirk or like someone just made a dirty comment. A real, genuine, smile.

"What?" I laughed.

She shook her head slowly. "You did it, kid."

I tilted my head to the side and squinted at her. "What you mean I did it? And I'm not a kid. I'm 6 months older than you."

She chuckled to herself and drove off once the light turned green, leaving me to think about what she had just said.

But I had a feeling I knew what she meant.

From: Harry: 9:43

Where are youuuu L

I looked down at the text on my phone and chuckled softly.

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