Chapter 27 : Sweater Weather

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A/N Hi:) I started writing this at 1 in the morning, so sorry if it makes no sense whatsoever. balh. and omgomgomg they're making a 22 jump street omgomgomgomgomgomgogmogmogm more Dave Franco omgomgomgomgomg asdjkldkds. But yeah.

And remember...







**Harry's POV**

"Piece of shit," I muttered as I tried to get the stupid lock on my locker to open. I groaned in frustration as I tried jiggling the lock once more, to get it open.

I sighed deeply as it finally opened after four tries.

It was finally the end of the day, and it seemed as if it was dragging on. I didn't have any classes with Avery today, but I texted her saying I was giving her a ride again which she agreed to. For some odd reason, when she texted back that simple Sure:) My stomach did a little flip.

For some reason, everything seemed easier with Avery. Everything felt in place, and intact. Everything with her just felt...


When I told her about what happened with Gemma three years ago, I didn't feel tense or awkward about it. When she told me she was sorry; I could feel it. I could feel that she was genuinely sorry and she wasn't just pitying me. The funny thing is, I honestly felt like that story was just something that I told all the time, and it was nothing. It wasn't. I hadn't even told Aaron; or Louis. My best friend since kindergarten. I felt like they wouldn't understand. That maybe they would judge me for it or for being a pussy since I pretty much cry anytime I think about the matter.

But when I told Avery... it came out so comfortably---so naturally. It just flowed off the tip of my tongue as if I were talking about the weather. The best part was when I had started crying, she didn't show any emotion. She didn't look shocked, or stunned. She just looked at me with sympathy in her eyes, not pity. I felt as if there could be no worries with her.

My thought was interrupted as I saw a group of people walking down the hallways. The group consisted of Nathan, Lauren, Shelby, Adriana, Aiden, Niall and Zayn.

I don't really talk to them much, unless we were planning to pull some shit on Avery. Well except for Niall. He was just too innocent to do that. He wouldn't exactly say anything of what we were doing, but you could see the guiltiness on his face when we harassed her.

Those days are long gone now.

They all walked up to me, as I headed away from my locker and started down the hallway.

"Hey, Harry!" Nathan said as they all approached me. He gave me one of those bro handshake things and sent me a smile. Adrianna, Lauren and Shelby were all sending flirtatious looks my way and I sent them a sly wink; causing them to erupt in a fit of giggles. I saw Niall eating---Of course, and Zayn texting away on his phone.

"Hey mate, I heard you were at my party. I didn't see you," Nathan frowned. I shrugged, "Yeah. I was just busy."

He nodded understandingly and smirked. "With those Northridge girls?" I chuckled and shrugged.

"Maybe," I replied nonchalantly, but smirked. Niall and Zayn laughed, while Nathan high-fived me. The girls were just throwing around scoffs and mutters, but I chose to ignore them.

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