Chapter 47 : Just 10 Months Ago

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**Avery's POV**

The sound of my alarm clock blaring Teenage Dreams, quickly woke me. I scowled. I mean, that's how everyone wants to start their day, right? With a fucking heart attack?

I sighed softly, reaching my arm over to shut it off, but something had restrained me from doing so. Or someone.

I chuckled softly as I realized that Harry's chest was pressed against my back, small snores escaping his lips. His arm was wrapped around my waist, and our legs were intertwined with each others. My finger slowly traced down his bicep, admiring the curves and pigments around it. He was so perfect, it scared me. His long eyelashes framed his eyes that were shut tight, concealing away the beautiful green eyes I envied but adored.

His soft, chocolate brown curls were all ruffled up like a little kids. I just loved running my fingers through it. He liked it too, especially when we were cuddling, or kissing or... Y'know.

I blushed a little at the thought and I groaned slightly. I hate blushing so much. Harry teases me about it all the time, and it kills me.

I sighed, pushing the thought away as I tried to get up and shut my alarm off once more, but I huffed as I had no success, since Harry's grip was firm on me which was weird, since he was sleeping.

I pouted slightly. I really didn't want to go to school today. I wish Harry and I could just stay like this for the rest of the day, but I've already missed too much school. I can't afford to skip another day and neither can Harry.

"Harry," I shook him. No response.

"Harry," I called once more a bit louder.

He stirred a bit, then groaned. "What?"

"Get up, we have school." I smiled.

He whined and pouted, his eyes still shut tight. "I don't wanna go."

His raspy morning voice never failed to send a wave a goose bumps over my skin. 

I sighed. "We have too. We've been missing too much school."

He huffed. "We missed two days."

I giggled, "Exactly. Now get up."

He opened his mouth, I'm assuming to protest once again, but he soon shut it tight as we both heard something.

"Avery! Sweetheart, we're home!" My mother hollered from downstairs.

Harry's eyes instantly fluttered open and we both stared at each other in shock.

Crap! I forgot my parents we're coming home today!

"Get up!" I hissed at him. He obeyed and quickly ran to get his clothes from the night before that were scattered on the ground.

Oh, now he listens to me.

I rolled my eyes as Harry quickly threw on his items of clothing, although I don't know why he took them off anyways. He was wearing pyjamas last night, but he took them off to sleep. Cheeky boy.

He finished getting on his clothes and looked at me. "What now?" He asked frantically.

Now, if you think I'm about to do the most cliché thing in the book and tell him to jump out the window, you are sadly mistaken. And crazy. I'm not gonna make him jump out my window! Those movies are so unrealistic. He could jump and not land on his feet. It could be his head or back or---

"Avery!" He whisper/yelled.

I blinked my eyes furiously and stared at him. I stifled back a laugh. He looked so panicked and frantic, it was hilarious. But also incredibly adorable.

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