Chapter 4 : Painfully

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**Avery's POV** 

            It was now lunch time, and I was sitting on the bench, outside of the school with Zoe. Andrea couldn't meet up with us, since she had some club meeting to go to.

            "So what else did that little prick say to you?" Zoe asked with a strong glare. I just told her about the whole me walking down the hallways with Harry, and I think she was even more pissed about than I was. She angrily stabbed her salad with her fork. I almost wanted to laugh at Zoe 'attempting' to look intimidating, just because when she tried, it was just too adorable.

            "Nothing really, he basically just zoned out and didn't talk to me, which I'm thankful for." I said while giving out a sigh. She nodded understandingly, but frowned slightly as she looked at me.

"Hey, wheres your lunch?" She asked. I bit my bottom lip.

"I'm not that hungry," I said while looking down at my finger nails.



I was walking home, after school and on my way, I decided to buy an ice cream cone considering how bloody hot out it was today.

I never did really like the summer times. I really preferred autumn or winter. Summer for me is just when us growing teens start to smell more, and trust me, that is not something I like to deal with.

I was wearing a black 'Ramones' muscle top, a pair of white denim shorts, and a pair of black Vans. My hair that usually in wavy curls, was quickly put up into a messy bun, since I was basically being drenched in sweat.

            I smiled to myself as I came across a McDonalds, and decided to just grab some ice cream from there. As soon as I walked in, a burst of air conditioning hit my body. I let out a tiny sigh of relief. I brought my fingers up to my forehead, to wipe off the tiny beads of sweat.

            I walked up to the front, and went to stand in line. I went and pulled out the money I had in my back pocket, and moved in line, when it was my turn. Another thing I hated more than Summer- Well...And Harry; Is waiting in lines. I find them the most annoying thing on the planet. Well...Other than-

            "Oh look boys! It's Avery!" I heard a raspy voice call out. Everything in my body clenched, and I bit the bottom of my lip and didn't dare to turn back. Of course Harry's here today of all days.

            "Of course Avery's getting McDonald's," I heard one of Harry's friends yell. "Yeah, cause of what a fat arse she is," another one said. 

I bit the bottom of my lip, and did everything in my power not to cry. 

"Ew Avery!" I slowly turned to face Harry and his arrogant, cocky ass friends. "Put on some pants! No one wants to see you in shorts!"

My lower lip quivered, and I felt a sting at the back of my eyes. I slowly shook my head, and got out of line and started to walk home.

And the worst part is, no one even said anything as they were saying all that crap about me. They just went on about their business and totally ignored the fact that I was being tormented.

            I slowly looked down at my thighs, and noticed how...Well...flabby they were. I've never really noticed before, and tears started to blur my eyes. I quickly blinked them away, and decided to walk quicker, I just really wanted to get home, and forget about this whole day. 

            From that day, I started working out more than usual, I didn't eat as much; even though Zoe and Andrea would constantly tell me that I wasn't fat, and it was all in my head. I mean, I wish I could believe them, but I just feel like my body isn't as nice as most people. And it's all because of...

Harry, bloody, Styles.

E N D  O F  F L A S H B A C K

            Zoe eyed me carefully when I told her I wasn't hungry. "You skipped lunch yesterday too, Ave's." She said in a stern, but soothing voice.

I let out a tiny laugh. "I had a huge breakfast this morning," I lied trying to move on to another subject.

Fortunately, Zoe being the gullible person she is, seemed to believe  it as  she nodded understandingly. Even though I was hungry, and decided to skip breakfast, I just ignored that feeling in my stomach.

I was about to open my mouth and ask Zoe if we could hang out today, but that's when it hit me.


**Harry's POV**

"Your going to Nathans party right?" Aaron asked me as we were walking outside to play football. He bounced the ball on his head, while sipping his red Slushee. I smirked in response "Hell yeah, you know how fucking crazy Shelby gets at party's?" I said with a slight chuckle.

He returned a smirk, while sipping on the blue slushee he had. "Yeah, I would know. One time she-" his voice trailed off, as he was looking over by the bench's. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. "What are you looking a-" my voice trailed off as I saw a girl with brown hair, and blue eyes. 


I sighed in fake, happy content. "You know...I think Avery should come and play football with us."

Aaron furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"Here, pass me the football," I asked with a smirk. He scrunched his eyes in confusion, but passed it to me while sipping on his colorful drink.

"Watch and learn my good friend," I said with a evil grin. I placed the football in my hand, and kicked it as hard as I could and it went flying in the air and then...


It hit Avery straight in the face.

Aaron dropped his drink, and fell to the ground bursting out in laughter.

"O-Oh my G-God," he said in between laughs.

I laughed along and turned my sight away from only to see Avery on the ground clutching her nose, and people were crowding around her.

I suddenly felt my heart drop. "Oh shit..." I said speaking my thoughts.

**Avery's POV**

I fell off the bench and clutched my nose.

"OW!" I screamed out loud. Zoe came rushing up to me.

"Avery holy fucking shit, are you okay?" she asked with extreme concern. My nose, and my head were absolutely killing me at the moment. I started to feel dizzy, and I could see little black spots appearing, everywhere my eyes tried to focus in, so I just shut them.

"Zoe," I said in a gasp. "I-" I breathed in deeply, but no air came in. "I can't breath," I whimpered.

"Holy fu-" she said. "HELP!" I heard her scream. "Ave's, your gonna be okay," she said softly. I heard people rushing around, and someone talking on the phone with 911. 

That's when I decided to open my eyes and look up even though it killed me to do so.

I saw a boy with curly hair, and green eyes rush towards me. My vision was getting blurry, and I still couldn't breath that well.

"Avery, I'm so sor-"

And thats when I blacked out.


A/N: K, so guys. If your just now reading this, I'm going into some hard-core editing, so the chapter that was supposed to be chapter 5, I deleted and it is now in with this chapter. Just ignore the fact that it says chapter 6 as the next one. I'm too lazy to change them now. .-.

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