Chapter 20 : Kick Ass Avery

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**Eleanor's POV**

        We all stood there in the hallway, completely shocked, and stunned at what had just happened. When  I say stunned, I'm talking about when Aaron socked Louis in the face. What Avery did was just...

To say I was surprised, shocked, stunned, flabbergasted...

Those would all be understatements.

         People were whispering around us, all looking at a bruised Louis, who was standing next to me, giving me a lazy grin despite the situation. 

A very solemn looking Aaron, who was just standing in the same spot that he had been, when Avery had flipped out, and Harry looking quite shaken up to be honest. I couldn't really define what he was, he just didn't look...


        People slowly began to leave, as they saw nothing else as going to be happening. I took another quick glance at Aaron, who was I think still trying to process everything. His mouth was slightly gaped, and his clenched fist's slowly realised, and he simply just stared at the ground; probably deep in thought. Right now, so many things were roaming through my mind.

         What did Avery mean by a living hell? I mean, I knew about happened at lunch that day on Friday, but has she been through things even worse?

         Was Louis apart of all this? I knew that when Louis told me about what happened with Aaron this morning, I was a bit disappointed that he yelled that out through the hallways, but I guess you couldn't really blame him. Sometimes, Louis thinks the loudest voice, is just a mere whisper.

         It made me slightly smile, to think that I've only known him for a couple of days, yet I feel like I've known him my whole life. We've spent the entire weekend together, just being lazy at his house, and just watching old movies. I knew I liked him. That was a solid fact. But I don't think were...Ya know... "Official."

        He hasn't technically asked me to be his girlfriend, and honestly, I don't think he really likes me in that way. I mean, sure, he's always holding my hand, or kissing my cheek in a friendly matter, or teasing me about weird things that I do, but like I said,

It's all in a friendly matter.

I heaved a deep sigh, and removed Louis arm, that was draped over my shoulder. He gave me a confused, and almost hurt expression as I did so, so I gave him a reassuring smile.

"I'm gonna go see if I can find Avery," I sighed softly. I didn't wait for any of there responses, as I just walked down the empty hallway, not before turning around and giving one more glance at Aaron.

"Aaron?" I said. His eyes met mine, as did Louis and Harry's, as I called him. I gave Aaron a smirk.

"Try not to kill Louis," I said. Harry let out a laugh, but it almost sounded kind of forced. I waved it off.  Louis sent me a glare, and Aaron smirked right back at me, a slight chuckle leaving his lips.

"You know," Louis spoke up, having Aaron and Harry turn their attention to him. "I could've taken him if I wanted to...I-I just...I- um...I-I didn't wanna scare Eleanor," He mumbled nervously. Aaron and I laughed at him, us mumbling something along the lines of;

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