Chapter 52 : Feeling Good

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**Avery's POV**

I woke up the next morning feeling...


That's it. I just felt good. I had told Harry everything about me. Every minor little insecurities. All my fears. About my dad. Everythings out in the open. And it feels good.

Today was Friday, which meant the party was tonight. I was necessarily over the moon excited for it,but I always wasn't dreading to go. I felt very meh today.

I yawned and stretched before getting out of bed. I headed over to the washroom to do my daily rountine so I could get ready for school. I actually decided to walk to school today, since I'm up a bit earlier than expected. I still have two hours until school starts, but I really wasn't too tired today. I also really felt like walking.

After I brushed my hair and my teeth, I went and grabbed my outfit for the day. Just a pair of ripped blue jeans, my old black converse and an extremely worn out Led Zeppelin shirt, courtesy of my brother. Well. I actually kind of just stole it from him but. 


After I got dressed, I quickly had a bowl of cereal. Fruit loops. Yum. As I went to go and place my bowl into the sink and suddenly, I heard a large rumble of thunder. Oh puddy.

I walked over and looked outside the window and saw it was gently raining. But by the looks of thunder outside, it was bound to pick up. And with my luck, it would pick up just as I was a quarter way to school. Oh no. That is not happening today. 

I pouted a little. I still didn't want to drive to school. Driving in thunder scares me. I always think my cars gonna get struck by lighting and go through my hands then go to the steering wheel and make me lose control and hit that cute little piggy that roams around the streets in the evening. It's quite ironic though, of me being afraid to drive in thunder since being in a car during a thunder storm is the safest place. Since the tires are rubber, they act as insulator whi-

My thought was cut off, (Why do my thoughts always get cut off what is this) as I heard my phone ring. I groaned extremely loudly, it eventually turned into a scream. 

I left my phone upstairs.

Absolutely not.

I will not.

This isn't an option.

This is a sick game.



I ran up the stairs, immediately regretting it. I began panting heavily as I entered into my room, hunching over, propping my hand on my knee for support, as my left hand went and grabbed my phone off my dresser.

"Hello?" I breathed, not bothering to check who it was. I was too concerned for my health at the moment. 

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