Chapter 9 : You Sound Like A Dying Seal

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Herroooo :)

So yeah, just a wittle update. I was updating it a few days ago, but my computer decided to act like a little bitch, and it shut down and EVERYTHING got deleted...

So uh...


Fuck you computer.


Here's Chapter 9 :)


-xoxo J

Chapter 9

**Avery's POV**


Do the God's above having some sort of hatred with me? Why cant I get away from this kid?

I've basically spent the entire evening with him, and to be totally honest...

Its fucking pissing me off.

"Hey guys," Eleanor began, snapping me out of my thoughts. I was so lost in them, that I hadn't even realized that I was standing right before 'the popular's.'

'The Popular's' consisted of, of course Harry, basically the leader of the group, then there was Louis, he doesn't really bug me or harass me unless Harry's around, and then this kid Niall that I had seen with them a couple of times, he actually never talks to me, which is good...

I guess?

And then there was Aaron, who's basically like Louis. He's either a bystander for when Harry's bothering me, or he just ignores me.

It had surprised me, that Eleanor would hang out with these guys. She's so sweet, and nice and they're so...


I was anxiously playing around with my fingers, and staring at the ground.

"So guys, I'm assuming you know Avery?" She continued. I was excepting them to all be like, 'Yeah, of course we know her...She's a fucking loser.'

It is accurate though... I mean,

I am a loser.

Louis answer actually surprised me. A lot.

"Oh yeah, your in one of my classes, yeah?" he said casually, as he was sipping on a beer he had in his hand.

It had always bothered me when people drank. It didn't matter if they were 18, 21, 61, I've always hated it. I hate the smell, I hate the way it makes people think they're 'cool',  But most of all...

I hated the affects of it.

I shook off that thought, but then realized I still hadn't answered Louis's question, and Eleanor was looking at me.

I gaped at him for a second, before answering. "Uh, y-yeah," I said with a tiny little stutter at the end. I quickly averted my gaze from him, which landed on that Niall kid, who was staring right at me but he quickly turned away as soon as my eyes locked with his.


"Y'aright Avery?" Aaron asked, with a sly expression on his face.He eyed me up and down, whilst biting his lower lip slightly. He was sat on a bench, with his leg put up on the bar at the end. My heart began racing like crazy. Not of lust or any shit like that, but from pure anxiety.

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