Chapter 46 : Hidden Secrets

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**Avery's POV**

"Hey Harry," The girl smirked.

We were all silent and the only sounds that could be heard was the soft hum of Louis's X-Box. Zoe, Andrea and El were eying this girl up and down with a raised eyebrow. My eyes however, immediately went to her arms. They were pale, but completed concealed by drawings. Tattoos. She had all these tattoos on her arms, all the way down to the tip of her wrists. They're were all so unique and different and as my eyes wandered off from her arms, I saw she had piercings on her nose, eyebrows, and bunch on her ears, and when she licked her lips, I saw the metallic shine of a tongue ring. 

I noticed as Zayn, Shelby and Nathan walked in, Shelby was clutched around Nathans bicep. Huh, I guess she's finally over Harry.

This girl, who's name I still do not know of, walked straight past Louis and sat on the couch parallel from me. The other three followed and plopped down next to her.

Louis glared at all of them. "I'm pretty sure I didn't invite any of you in."

Zayn chuckled, "Aw, lighten up, Lou."

I was a bit stunned to be honest. That was the first thing I've ever heard Zayn say besides, Aw! I think she's about to cry!

Now that I think about it...I'm pretty sure that's the only thing he's ever said to me.

But that was the last thing I was concerned about at the moment. It was this girl, this girl with long dark hair, much similar to mine, but hers was prettier. I didn't know why, it just was.

She had the same blue eyes as me, but what stood out about them, was that only one of them was blue. The other one was green. I had never seen something like that before. I have never seen anyone like her before. She looked so breathtaking. She had long eyelashes that framed her well rounded face and she was so pretty, I felt as if I could draw her. And I can't even draw.

But above all that, that wasn't my concern; it was Harry. He was so happy and carefree and as soon as this girl walked in, his expression vanished and turned hard and cold. Something I've only seen once in my life. And it was something I was hoping I didn't have to see again. As I looked around the room to see that not only Harry had a hard, yet worried expression on his face, but so did Louis, Niall and Aaron.

I knitted my brows. What is happening right now?

Harry swallowed, "Aly."

Her little smirk appeared to her face. "Ah, so you do remember me?"

Aaron snorted a little, "Yeah, how could he forget?" He muttered. Harry elbowed him at his side and he jolted. Harry glared at him.

I am beyond confused right now.

"What are you guys doing here?" Zoe snapped at Shelby, Nathan and Zayn. Shelby smirked a little at her.

"Niall texted us saying he was hanging out here," she shrugged.

We all turned to Niall.

He frowned at Shelby. "That didn't exactly pose as an invitation for you to come over."


Well go Niall.

Shelby ignored him and her eyes wondered around until they landed on me. She snorted, "What's she doing here?"

I gaped at her. Is she fucking serious? I was invited here. Unlike her, and she asks me why I'm here? And it was just the tone of voice she used. All high pitched and naisly. God.

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