Chapter 6 : Party Time

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**Avery's POV**

To say my heart stopped, would be an understatement. "S-Styles?" I managed to get out.

"Yes..." My mother said trailing off. She let out an uneasy laugh. "Why do you ask?" She said.

"N-No reason," I lied. "By any chance, do they have a son or daughter?" I asked, praying it would be a no, and it would be some other Styles family.

"Yes, she told me she has a daughter; two years older than you I believe." She said. I let out an inaudible sound of relief, until she continued.

"And a son, um...Oh God, what's his name?" My mother began trailing off. Please not Harry, please not Harry, please not- "Harry!" My mother exclaimed.



I bit my bottom lip, and twiddled my thumbs. "Mom, do I really have to go?" I asked.

"I mean, I still have a bit of a headache," I continued.

My mom knew about the ball situation, since the doctor had called my parents while they were at work; Which they weren't to happy about I may add, but she didn't know that Harry was my high school bully.

I never talked about it, since I knew my parents would just think I was overreacting or some shit like that.

My mother rolled her eyes playfully.

"If your head was hurting, you wouldn't be watching TV, now would you?" She said just as playfully as her eye roll. She turned on her heel, and walked out of my bedroom, but not before yelling out;

"Get ready! Were leaving in 20 minutes!"

I let out another sigh, and decided not to argue, as I was just too drained to even bother.

I came to the conclusion, that Harry wouldn't try anything, since my parents were there, so I tried not to worry that much.

Even though my heart literally felt like it was about to pop out of my chest at any second.

I got up off my bed, and walked over to my closet.

I didn't want to get dressed up at all, but because I know my mother will have a complete fit, I decided to just save myself from the whole 'Dress like a lady,' speech.

I pulled out a cream, lace dress, a brown leather jacket, and some brown ankle boots.

I walked over to my jewelled box, and pulled out the necklace Andrea got me for my birthday a few years back.

I put on all my clothing items, and decided to let my hair out of its bun, and it fell into its natural waves.

I walked over to my full body mirror, and cringed at what I saw.

My legs looked absolutely disgusting in this dress. Its no wonder Harry would always pick on me about them.

I was about to walk over to my closet, and pick something else to wear, but I suddenly heard my dad's voice downstairs. "Avery! Come downstairs please, were leaving!"

I groaned, and just walked downstairs, not changing since I didn't have any time. I walked out the door, and into the car with my parents.

Please let this go well.

**Harry's POV** 

"Harry Edward Styles! If you do not get your arse down her right now, I am dragging you out by your hair!" My mother yelled from downstairs.

I rolled my eyes at what she had said, but hurried myself downstairs, because if I know this women like I think I do, she won't hesitate to do it.

"Mum," I asked in a sweet tone, as I made it downstairs.

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