Chapter 11 : Kiss Me

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**Harry's POV**

Okay, now how the fuck do I get out of this situation? I thought.

Right now, I was currently lied down, two chicks-- who's name I cant remember, were dead asleep practically on top of me, and we were in some random persons bed, the blonde one had her arm perched around my chest, and the frizzy haired girl--Who's name-- I still cant remember, arm was around my torso, preventing me from getting up.

I let out a small sigh, and took the risk of slowly pushing off the frizzy girls arm from me, without her waking up in the process.

Okay, so that's one. I thought.

Blondie stirred for a second, before moving her body, so she was positioned on the other side of the bed, moving her arm with her.

Well that was easier than I thought.

I slowly got up from the bed, and walked over to pick up all of my clothes.

I quickly put on all my clothes, and scurried out of the room.

The amount of times I have had to sneak out of a room because of a girl, are too much to even count. So basically, I know all the right ways to get out of there, without being caught.

I ran down the stairs, and saw that people were still partying, and getting super drunk.

Oh, how I love Fridays.

I walked outside to find Louis and everyone, and as soon as I spotted them, I walked over there.

I wasn't surprised to see that Niall was passed out drunk, and not too surprised when I saw Eleanor straddling Louis, and his arms were wrapped around her waist. I smirked a bit to myself.

Atta boy.

 I was surprised to see Avery. Avery Young's head, perched onto Aarons lap, and he was playing with her long brown hair, and she just seemed comfortable, relaxed and content.

What the actual fuck is happening right now?

**Avery's POV** (Before Harry came back)

"Yo, where the fuck did Harry go?" Aaron asked in all seriousness.

"Probably banging some chick in the nearest bedroom," Louis said with a chuckle. Right now, Eleanor was sitting on Louis lap, as he was sat up totally straight, leaning against a tree.

Aw, their just too cute. I thought.

Now I knew Harry and Louis were only being nice to me, so Eleanor could get a chance with her. 

I'm not stupid. I've seen the way Louis steals glances from her every so often, and Eleanor did the same with him, so I decided to just go along with it and act like they've never bothered me before.

Niall didn't really have control with what he was saying, and I know Aaron was probably doing he same. Just covering up for his mate. He'll probably end up ignoring me again on Monday.

"Yo, we honestly gotta leave soon, and that little bitch isn't answering his phone," Aaron said in frustration, before sliding his phone back into his back pocket.

I pursed my lips to keep me from laughing, but that failed when a small giggle escaped my lips. He was just too cute when he acted frustrated. I was also laughing at the fact that he said 'Yo'

His head turned to me, and he had a playful smirk tugged on the corner of his pink, plump lips.

I did not just think that.

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