Chapter 5 : Guess Who's Coming To Dinner

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**Avery's POV** 




That was the only thing ringing through my ears, as my eyes were only met by the darkness. My head was pounding like no tomorrow, and my face felt kind of numb.

I tried opening my eyes, but only got half way through since as soon as I opened them, my eyes were met by a bright light that made my headache even worse, so I quickly shut them tight. 

My mind was a bit fuzzy at the moment so I didn't really know what was happening.

I tried opening my once more, and succeed without having a massive headache.

Suddenly, someone moved that annoying ass light out of my face, so I could fully open my eyes only to be met by two brunettes. I smiled weakly at them. 

"Hi," I tried to say, but it came out as a croak.

They both smiled at me, while Zoe went over to get me a cup of water.

"Here," Zoe said handing it to me, as she pushed the button on my bed, to make it sit up straight. I smiled at her once more.

"Thanks," I said before taking a huge gulp. I hadn't even realized how thirsty I was until I drank that. 

"So," Andrea began.

"Do you remember anything that happened?" Andrea asked in an uncomfortable tone.

I furrowed my eyebrows, and was about to shake my head no, until all the memories came flying back at me.  

I let out a huge groan. "Why the actual fuck does that boy hate me so much?"

 Zoe and Andrea gave me sympathetic look. "Well, apparently he feels bad about what happened because- 

Zoe got interrupted as someone walked in the room. I assumed it was the doctor, considering he was wearing a long, white coat.

He gave me a big, bright smile. "Hello Avery," he said while walking over to me. I weakly smiled at him. 

He asked Zoe and Andrea to leave the room for a moment, so he could talk to me alone.

"So Avery," he began as Zoe and Andrea both left the room. 

"Today when you were hit with the ball, it hit you pretty hard in the face, wouldn't you say?" he said.

I nodded, assuming it wasn't a rhetorical question.

"Now," he began again. "Your nose isn't broken; but it hit pretty hard on the cavities around the nose, so you're going to have a bit of a headache for a while."

He said. I nodded, but then furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"So if I didn't, break my nose or anything serious like that, why couldn't I breathe?" I asked. 

He exhaled a breath before saying, "Well, Avery I was reading your transcripts, and you have anxiety, correct?" he asked.

I inhaled a sharp breath, before nodding. I had always hated talking about my anxiety, it always made me feel more of a freak than I already was. 

"As the ball hit you in the face, your body's immediate reaction was to panic." He said in a matter-of-fact tone.

He continued; "As you were hurled up on the ground, people were crowding around you, which gave you even more anxiety, and it turned into something your mind couldn't handle, so your body just shut down."

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