Chapter 55 : Heart-Sunk

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A/N: My work gets deleted so much like it's become second nature to me idc

(and just so we don't forget, that is what Harry looks like. Not the handsome majestic prince he is now.)






**Avery's POV**

My heart felt like it shattered. Just completely shattered into tiny bits and pieces, like when you drop expensive china on a hard marble floor. My heart legitimately broke as soon as I watched that curly haired boy get into that car, and drove away, not looking back.

I just stood there. In the middle of the street, not even trying to control the sobs that racked throughout my body. My eyes soon shut tight, but tears continued to escape from my eyes. I took my hand and placed it against my mouth, muffling my cries. I soon felt my legs begin to buckle and soon enough, they gave out on me, allowing me to collapse down to the pavement on my knees.

How did I let this happen? Why wasn't I more careful? Why hadn't I watched my drink better? You're always supposed to watch your drink at a party.

But I didn't.

Instead, I just let Nathan slip whatever it was into my beverage and thought nothing of it.

"So stupid!" I scolded myself through my sobs.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

"Avery!" Someone yelled from across the street. I didn't look up though. I continued to cry. Cry pathetically in the middle of the streets. That's all I am. Pathetic.

Within seconds of that voice calling me, my body was immediately whisked off the ground. My chest tightened. Memories of what just happened pushed in through my brain.

"What the fuck are you doing?! Get off!" I yelled trying to pry him off. I'm gonna be sick.

He chuckled darkly. "Oh Avery. How come Harry gets all the fun? I want a turn..." He muttered as pulled off my underwear, despite my legs be clamped shut.

"No," I muttered as I continued to try and get this sick fuck off of me. "No, Nathan, please stop. I-I can't. Please," I pleaded, not allowing the tears to escape my eyes. I won't give him the satisfaction of my tears.

"Just relax," he mumbled as he attempted to pry open my legs, but I wouldn't budge.

"No!" I yelled and began thrashing.

"Let me go! Put me down you son of a bitch!" I screamed.

"Avery! Avery, stop! Stop it's me! It's Aaron, stop it!" He yelled. I completely ignored him. All I could see was him.Nathan.

"I said no! I said no! Get off of me!" I screamed violently. My brain was so clouded. I knew it was Aaron. A part in my brain was ringing,telling me that this was Aaron, and he wasn't going to hurt me. But all I was seeing was that brown hair and those dark, dark brown eyes, filled with nothing but hatred and evil.

"Aaron, put her down!" I heard another voice. I think it was Brooke. Or maybe El. I don't know. I just didn't want to be touch. By anyone.

"Alright, Alright!" He shouted in defense and gently put me back on the ground, where I quickly backed away from him and leant up against the car behind me. I hugged my knees to my chest and slowly rocked back and forth, my eyes just staring straight ahead of me. My lips were pursed shut and I felt so sick.

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