Chapter 34 : Blast To The Past

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A/N: Okay, so this chapter's gonna be a bit different. It's gonna be all the events that Harry and Avery went through in the past.

*Not edited*


**Harry's POV**

I furrowed my eyebrows as I saw her sitting out on the courtyard, all alone, reading a book. Her dark hair cascaded down her shoulders, down to her ribcage. I had never seen this girl in my elementary school, or middle school because if I had, I would've remembered.

"Hey, who's that?" I asked Nathan before taking a bite out of my sandwich. He creased his eyebrows and look towards where I was nodding at.

"Her?" He asked. I nodded.

He laughed. "That's Avery Young. She's in my worlds history class." He explained. I nodded again, not taking my gaze of her.

"She's pretty," I mumbled, breaking my gaze from her and looking down at my half-eaten sandwich. Nathan was dead silent for a moment until he busted up laughing, making me glare at him.

"What?" I demanded. He sobered up from laughing, letting out a few chuckles.

"Mate, she l-literally t-t-talks like t-this," he stuttered purposefully. I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Our teacher asked us to read this part of our textbook out loud to the class, and she picked Avery to read and she was basically whispering." He stated.

"You could barley hear the girl. She sounds like a friggin mice," he laughed.

I looked towards the girl-- Avery again, seeing a girl with long brown hair walk up to her, with a huge smile on her face. I think her name was Zoe, and I smirked a little knowing that Nathan fancies her, but I didn't anything. I was too focused on her; Avery.

"Well, maybe she's shy?" I questioned.

He snickered. "Yeah, or just a freak." I looked at him for a moment, but then back at Avery, who was now laughing with Zoe. Just the sound of her laugh made me grin a bit, as much as I tried to fight it. I quickly shook it off, hoping that Nathan hadn't noticed.

Unfortunately, he did because he let out a laugh of disbelief.

"Tell me your not," he snorted.

"Not what?" I said playing dumb.

"Tell me your not fancying her," he spat in disgust. I scowled at him.

"So what if I am?" I retorted. He snorted.

"I dare you to go tell her," he snickered. I gaped at him.

"No way!"

He smirked. "Why? Because your too much of a wuss?"

I rolled my eyes at his stupidity. "I'm not telling her I fancy her. One, I don't know her, and two, it'll make her think I wanna go out with her or something." I explained.

He stayed silent, but slowly started smirking again.

"Then I dare you to go 'accidently' spill this drink on her," he said, passing me over his strawberry Fruitopia.

I glanced between the drink and Avery. When he saw I wasn't doing anything, he leaned forward.

"Or are you too much of a wuss?" He repeated with a smirk. I pursed my lips, getting annoyed at the fact Nathan was calling me a wuss. So I returned his smirk and grabbed the drink. His smirk grew wider as I left the table and headed towards where Avery was. I noticed that Zoe wasn't sitting with her anymore, which made it even better.

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