Chapter 56 : Monday

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A/N: okay but im laughing so loud rn bc this book was supposed be done lAst year in sePTEMBER LIKE WTF IVE BEEN DELAYING THIS BOOK FOR A FUCKING YEAR AND IM SO SORRY BUT YEHA

(lowkey tho just comment)


**Avery's POV**
"Harry, please just listen to me!" I pleaded. He laughed. He just kept laughing and kept walking away. We were in a room. I'm not sure what room, just a room. There was no furniture or anything like that. It was just a big, empty white room. There was no one else here. It was just me and Harry. I was trying to catch up to him as he kept walking in straight path--to where exactly? I have no idea. All I knew is that I needed to speak to him.

"Harry, wait!" I yelled. I started running towards him, but every time I got close to him, it's like he somehow moved twenty steps ahead of me.

"Harry," I said softly trying to fight back to the tears that were threatening to fall down my cheek. My legs grew sore. My breaths came out uneven and clenched. Why was this happening? Why won't he listen to me? Why can't he hear me?

I sat down on the ground, staring at my bare feet, tears running down my cheeks.

"I messed everything up," I croaked quietly to myself. I ran a hand through my hair.

"No you didn't." I looked up. A small child was standing in front of me, dressed in all white, nearly blending in with the room. The kid was holding a red balloon in one hand, a teddy bear in the other.

"Who are you?" I asked quietly. It came out all stuffed up though.

The kid gave me the balloon and ran away, dropping the teddy bear. I frowned. "Wait!" I exclaimed. Before I could process what just happened, a loud noise snapped me out of my sudden trance.




My eyes shot open, but I didn't really move. I just lied here staring at my dresser.


The day I was hoping would be exterminated and we lived nothing but an endless cycle of Saturday's.

But no.


I've been lying in bed for 15 minutes. Not moving.





Not moving.

"Avery are yo- Avery!" I heard my mother gasp.

I lied still, my eyes still open. I wasn't sure if I was even blinking anymore.

"Avery, you're gonna be late! Why are you still in bed? Are you not feeling well? Is it your stomach again?" She asked. This whole weekend I had been sick on and off. I had a bit of nausea and did throw up a bit, but other than that, it was fine. Probably just from the party.

"Avery," my mom sighed, she sat on my bed, putting a comforting hand on my back, rubbing small circles.

"You have been seeming a little...a little down lately. I also haven't seen Harry around in a while...Did you two get in a fight?" My heart clenched and I inhaled deeply. Without realizing it, my head nodded and I sniffled.

"Oh, sweetheart." She sighed, brushing some of the loose strands of hair behind my ear.

"Whatever it is, I'm sure you two will work it out. You always do, baby." She said softly. My stomach churned.

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