Chapter 42 : Scares

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**Avery's POV**

                   The next day, I was woken by the sound of soft rain pattering against the windows. My eyes slowly opened, only to shut them right after because they were just to sore for some reason. I let out a inaudible yawn and blindly tried to get up from my bed and make my way to my washroom, but I literally couldn't move. Why? Well, I've just noticed three things.

One, I'm not in my bed, nor my own house.

Two, I looked under the dark navy blue sheets to see I was completely naked.

And three, a large arm had wrapped around my waist, preventing me from moving.

I bit my lower lip and smiled slightly as the memories of last night flowed through my head. Harry and I saying our first 'I Love You's', getting a bit 'heated' last night.

            A small blush came to my cheeks as I thought about what happened. How Harry pounded into me quickly, but passionately, covering my mouth with the palm of his large hand - hushing me to be quiet, as his mom was just down the hall. How kept whispering how much he loved me into my ear. A slight shiver of delight ran up my spine, and I sighed softly, trying to figure out how to get out of Harry's hold without waking him.

I gently rolled out from the covers, slowly prying his arm off of my body.

Looks like he's a heavy sleeper.

          As I made my way out without waking him; thankfully, I looked around for my clothes. I pursed my lips together in frustration, as I couldn't find them, and I was quite cold at the moment and I didn't exactly wanna roam around his room butt-naked, so I just decided to slip on Harry's large white shirt and red basketball shorts. Hopefully he doesn't mind.

I quickly grabbed my phone from Harry's nightstand, just in case it rings; I don't want it to wake him.

I decided not to use Harry's bathroom, because the sound of the toilet flushing and the sink running would probably wake him, so I slowly tip-toed down the stairs, cringing as one of the steps would creak.

After I finished up in the washroom, I heard some footsteps, and then a door close. I'm guessing Harry's mum had left for work. I sighed, running a hand over my face before splashing some water on it, leaving the bathroom.

Suddenly, my phone started to vibrate in my hand and I looked down at the caller I.D. and my face paled instantly.

It was my mum.

I mentally face-palmed, as I completely forgot to call her and tell her I was at Harry's, and she's very keen about me calling her every couple hours to let her know I was okay. So the fact that I hadn't called her once, or left a note for her, or even tell her I was going let alone I stayed the night...

She was bound to have a heart-attack.

I swallowed and hesitantly slid the phone open.

"H-Hello?" I said as I awaited for her voice to come screaming through the phone.

"Hey baby," my mothers....soothing voice came through the other line. I gaped at the wall in front of me. She's being...Calm?

"Hi mom?" I said having it come out more as a question.

"I just wanted to let you know, Anne and I talked this morning and you and Harry should take a day off from school today." She stated casually.

Wait...She knows I'm at Harry's? And she's not shitting bricks?

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