Chapter 53 : Sort of Like Medicine

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**Avery's POV**

My breath hitched in my throat, as the rain continued to show no mercy as it just poured and poured. But I couldn't break my gaze away from him. No. I'm probably just being paranoid and overreacting. Harry doesn't do drugs. He was probably holding it for one of his friends. I saw Zayn there, so it could've been his.

Sadly, I was mistaken.

Harry laughed at something one of the guys there said, I didn't know who he was, nor have I seen him around.

Right after, Harry brought the rolled up piece of paper to his lips, and inhaled the toxic, harmful chemicals, that were now probably setteling into his lungs, slowy destroying them as we speak.

Avery, shut the fuck up. My concious told me.

I was completly confused at the situation.

But I was also completly soaked because of this rain.


Now I'm gonna be walking into class completly drenched.


I decided to hold off on the debate that was about to settle in my head, whether or not to go a and confront Harry, but I decided against it. I was getting cold. Because I was standing like an idiot in ht- OH MY GOD AVERY STOP HAVING ITERNAL THOUGHTS AND GET INSIDE.

I took one last look at Harry, before giving off a disapointed and confused glance to the ground. As I made my way inside, hurrying because I had like two minutes, not even- to get to class.

Just as I hurried my way in, I slammed straight into someone, causing thier books to go flying.

"Shit," the person grumbled. "Cant you watch where you- oh, Avery, right?" That persons tone changed in the matter of seconds. I looked up, to see a tall guy. Blonde diseveled hair, bright blue eyes. He was wearing a rugby jacket. Blue, white and gold. Shoot, what was this guy's name again? I know Harry hates him though. Um...

Oh! Evan!

"Hi, Evan," I smiled. He returned the smile. Wow. He has really straight teeth. I wonder if he's ever had braces.

"Sorry about you're books," I appologized sypathatecially.

He raised his hands in a no problem kind of way. "Hey, if I'm gonna get my books knocked out of me hands, at least it's from a little cutie like yourself," he winked. A shiver ran up my spine.

Oh yeah cause I'm cold as fuck, but because that comment made me feel uncomfortable. So I just let out an awkward chuckle.

A few kids that were left in the hallways, started to go and get to their classes. Which I should be doing.

"So, are you going to that party tonight?" He asked me.

I bit my lower lip, knowing sure as hell I was gonna be late. But I didnt wanna be rude, so I continued to speak to him.

"Um. Yeah. Are you?" I asked. Even though I didn't particually care.

He smirked at me, and I swear I saw him look me up and down. But it happened so quick, I probably just imagined it. Still.

Another shiver ran through me.

"Yeah, course I am. Maybe I'll see you there," he said in a somewhat smug and cocky tone. I resited the urge to roll my eyes.

"Yeah, maybe. Well, I'll see you later," I said abruptly, getting quite bored with his attitude. With that quickly being said, I didn't even look back at the window to see if Harry was still watching us, but instead, just hurried off to class.

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