Chapter 28 : Strawberry's and Confessions

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A/N: YAAAAAY I UPDATED :D Please love me. If you comment and vote, ill five you a yummy nummy cupcake.







**Avery's POV**

I had spent the entire morning, avoiding Harry at school the next day. So far I was succeeding at it, as whenever I saw him the halls, I would completely jerk my body, and walk the other way. I knew my plan was soon starting to fade, as I had class with him right after lunch.

I was sitting outside in out usual spot with Zoe, Andrea, Daniel and Eleanor.

I introduced Eleanor to the girls this morning as they both saw me talking with her. Instantly, all three of them clicked because she was just as wild and courageous as them. Eleanor and Zoe were just talking about general stuff like clothes and boys, while Daniel and Andrea were bickering at each other. Not about anything in particular, they were just mocking each other and picking on one another. I had sort of tuned myself out of everyone's conversation and zoned out looking at this big oak tree by the park.

I was so angry. Not only at him, but myself. I should have moved my body away from him, as soon as I saw his lips were about to come in contact with mine. I could have pushed him away from me, and quickly ran out of the car. But then, I would've gone my whole night thinking about what would have happened if I didn't kiss him, and that would have just kept me up all night, thinking. Well, I was up all night thinking but...


He is really toying around with my emotions. I used to never feel this way. But that kiss was... I cant even manage to put words into how it felt. You know how people always say they saw fireworks when they kiss someone? That's not how I felt. At all.

I saw a huge, massive explosion. Saying all I saw was fireworks, would be a strong understatement. Just merely thinking about the kiss made my heart go into a frenzy. Thinking about anything he did made chills get sent up through my body. The way he would lick his lips. The way he smirks. The way he touch-

"Avery!" Andrea shouted. I jolted in my spot and stared at her.

"Jesus And's," I said clutching my heart.

She chuckled at me. "I've been trying to get your attention for like three minutes."

"Sorry," I mumbled, blushing slightly. She laughed at me.

"I was saying, did Mr. Oliver give you your project partners yet?"

We have a project?

"Um, no. I have him after this," I said referring to our lunch. She simply nodded and opened her mouth to say something, but Daniel poked her side. She jolted in her spot, causing Daniel to chuckle. Andrea scowled at him and pursed her lips.

"Poke me one more time, I'll kick you so hard in the balls they'll come flying out your ass," she snarled.

Eleanor's eyes widened at her vulgar words while Zoe and I just sat there doing nothing. We were used to her acting like this. 

"You are really freighting," Eleanor stated uneasily towards Andrea. We all shrugged, excluding Eleanor and Daniel.

"Ya get used to it," we all said in unison. Eleanor laughed, while Daniel was smirking at Andrea. I couldn't tell what it was, but his eyes were holding something while he was staring at Andrea. I would have to interrogate him about that later.

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