Chapter 32 : 21 Questions

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**Avery's POV**

The school day was finally over and it surprisingly went by extremely smoothly. There was no drama about Harry and I becoming official, and I hadn't bumped into Shelby and her little clique, so that was good.

Harry said that he was going to give me a ride today, and we would just go and work on our project at my house.

I walked down the deserted hallway, and started making my way into the parking lot, until a voice startled me.

"Avery!" I heard some footsteps advancing towards me. I turned around to see Aaron coming up to me. My lips parted slightly and I smiled weakly at him. We hadn't bothered talking ever since that whole rumor situation started up, and I realize that I'd been unfair and I hadn't even given him a chance to explain what had happened.

I exhaled a breath and turned to face him. "Hey Aaron."

He smiled. "Hey, how are you?" He asked.

"Good." I replied with a real, honest, genuine smile. He nodded.

"Thats good," he said. We stayed silent for a while, until Aaron licked his lips and sighed.

"I'm sorry," he blurted out. Before I could speak up again, Aaron did.

"Look, that rumor was just...It wasn't what you thought it was. It was just a huge misunderstanding and...God, Louis and his big mouth..." He muttered. He continued, "But I swear to God Avery, I didn't tell anyone that we shagged." He said quickly. I laughed at his nervousness and bluntness. I could tell in his voice that he was telling the truth, so I sent him a reassuring smile.

"It's okay Aaron. And, hey. If it weren't for that rumor, I wouldn't be kick ass Avery now would I?" I joked. Aaron laughed at me and I joined.

"So...We're cool?" He asked unsurely. I made a fist with my hand, indicating for him to prop it.

"Cool as a cucumber," I said coolly. He rolled his eyes, but propped my fist anyway. We said our goodbyes, and I continued my way to the parking lot.

I walked out the school doors and surprisingly, I saw Harry standing by the door; his phone in his hand. He soon saw me and smiled.

"Hey beautiful," he murmured, grasping my by waist, making me reach on my tippy-toes to peck his lips. I giggled softly against his lips, causing him to smirk.

"Hi," I said shyly. He took my small hand in his and we walked to his car. We stayed in a peaceful silence, as I watched the clouds move past and in front of the sun.

"What's your favourite color?" Harry asked randomly, breaking the comfortable silence. I looked at him oddly, before chuckling softly.

"Um...Orange, pink and purple." I said. He looked down at me, and smiled.

"Like the sunset?" He asked. I looked up at him, surprised.

"Yeah," I laughed. "How did you know?"

He shrugged. "Lucky guess." I nodded.

"What's your favourite color?" I asked.

"Blue," he said automatically. I laughed loudly. He rose an eyebrow at me and chuckled. "What?"

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