Chapter 13 : Josh

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**Avery's POV**

"A-Avery," Aaron stammered out.

         I inhaled a sharp breath before quickly snatching my arm from him, and basically sprinting out of his car, not even bothering to shut his door.

I ran up to my house, and remembered that my parents probably weren't home yet.

        I mentally applaused myself, as I remembered to bring my keys with me for once.

        I quickly dug into my pocket, and grabbed my keys and unlocked the door, and basically jumped into my house, almost tripping over one of my dads shoes.

What is with me tripping over footwear?

I quickly shut the door and took in a big deep breath, that I hadn't even realized I was holding in.

What the hell am I going to do? I thought.

       He saw my cuts. He saw my cuts. He's probably going to run around, and tell everyone about them. Scratch that.

         He's going to tell Harry about them, and he's going to tell everyone. I felt tears building up in my eyes, and I quickly just threw off my boots, making my way to the staircase.  I ran up to my bedroom, and shut my door. I let out a deep sigh, flopped down on my bed, face first.

          I saw my phone on the other side of my bed and I quickly grabbed it, to see if anyone texted me. I coudnt help the smile that tugged on the corner of my lips, as I saw two texts from Zoe, two from Andrea, and one from my mom.

From: Zoeeee<3

Heeeeey bbg how ya feelin?

The second one read;

From: Zoeeee<3

Omg. Teen Wolf marathon...Cannot cope. *___*

           I laughed a bit at that last text. Zoe is absolutely obsessed with Teen Wolf, and she started getting me into it too. I read the next text, that was from Andrea. She just asked me how I was doing, and that she and Zoe are going to pick me up for school on Monday.

           I read the one from my mom, and all she said was her and my dad had a night shift, and won't be back till early in the morning. I sighed.

I'm home alone.

As usual.

Well technically, I'm not alone since I have Junior Mint, but come to think of it...

I haven't seen him all day.

I frowned and stood up from my bed. "Junior?" I called out. No response.

"Junior?" I called once again, a bit louder.


         I turned my body around, and saw Junior lying down a pile of my clothes, just chilling there. I laughed at the sight, and had a tiny smile tugged on my lips, despite my miserable mood.

I cant help it! He's just too adorable sometimes.

Ding Dong.

 I jumped a bit, as I heard the doorbell from downtairs.

If it's Aaron, I swear to God..

Ding Dong

         I sighed deeply, and hurried down the stairs, my bare feet making a smacking noise, each time I walked down the cold, hardwooded stairs.

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