Chapter 18 : Dead Man Walking

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**Avery's POV**

   "Y-you d-did n-not!" Andrea laughed loudly through the hallways. Zoe was trying to at least contain her laughter, and not sound like a dying hyena throughout the hallways. Second period went by in a flash, and I was currently walking outside to have lunch with Zoe and Andie. Daniel said he would see if he could have lunch with us, if he wasn't busy. So far, I haven't seen him, and he hasn't texted me, so I assumed he was busy.

         I had just told the two about what I had said to Harry and Shelby at lunch, and Andrea basically had the biggest laugh attack of life. Because her laughter was so contagious, Zoe and I started laughing along with her. Because of the grumbling in  my stomach, I grabbed my sandwich that Josh had made me, (He makes killer food,) and unwrapped it before taking a huge bite. 

          I made the decision, to try and start eating a bit more regularly again, just because I was getting sick of the empty feeling in my stomach. Now, obviously I wasn't anorexic or anything if I'm starting to get the feel to eat again, but I just wanted to lose a couple of pounds; which I have.

          As all three of us were walking down the narrow hallways, that were surrounded with the teal blue lockers, I saw a bunch of people staring at us, snicker.

"Is that her?"

"Holy shit dude, that's her!"

"Oh my God...Poor girl."

         I heard all these people whispering, and giggle at us, and I looked at them all confused. "What the hell?" Zoe murmured, as she looked around the people whispering, her long brown hair sweeping with every turn she made.

"Hey Avery," someone called out. "You busy next Friday?" He snickered, which caused everyone else to laugh along. "Cause ya know, Since I do play baseball..." He said trailing off. "I know a few tricks on uh...Second base," He smirked. Everyone bursted into laughter, including that jock's friends who were all making kissy faces at me.


Cue the blush.

          Andrea glared at him so intensely, I swear to God, I thought laser beams were gonna pop out of her huge, brown eyes.

         "Brent, don't you have some balls to go play with?" Zoe snarled. Everyone in the hallways 'Ooh'ed' and Zoe smirked.

Yay Zoe!

         Brent's amused face faded away, and he looked away clearly embarrassed. "Just ignore them, Ave's." I winced at that nickname Ave's, but luckily, neither Andrea or Zoe noticed. We continued walking through the hallways, people still snickering, and murmurs surrounding us.

We finally made it outside, and I let out a huge breath, I didn't even realize I had held in. "Okay, what the hell is going on?" I snapped.

"I don't know to be honest love..." Zoe sighed.


         We both turned and looked at Andrea, when her phone beeped. She sighed as she took it out, and her irritated expression had vanished, as her face completely paled at the sight of her phone, and her mouth gaped slightly. I started at her for a moment.

"What?" I asked warily. She looked up from her phone and her eyes flickered between me and her phone. She gulped, and licked her lips. "Um...A-Avery..." She struggled to get out.

Okay, now I'm scared.

"What is it, And's?" Zoe said softly. Andrea slowly handed Zoe her phone, and I waited for her to pass it to me. Zoe's face dropped instantly, and I could hear her teeth grinding in her mouth.

"What?!" I snapped. Zoe gave me a look of sympathy, before handing me over the cheetah printed iPhone.

I looked at whatever they were looking at, and instantly, tears threatened to fall.

@ShelbyLovesYou<3 Tweeted:

LMFAOOO @AaronIsAlright humped and dumped Avery Young at Nathans party last Friday?!?!?!

K, brb #dying. #whatawhore xD

28 Retweets 18 Favourites.

I stared at the phone, clenching it in my hand. My teeth began to chatter in my mouth, and my tears of sadness, were replaced with tears of pure, undefinable rage.

"Avery?" Zoe asked softly, while resting a hand on my shoulder, but I shook it off me. Zoe and Andrea were both surprised, as a low growl admitted out of my mouth, and I handed back Andrea her phone without even giving her a second glance, dropping my backpack onto the ground, and stomped back into the school. I ignored the calls coming from Zoe and Andrea as I left, because I didn't care at that moment. Why?

Because Aaron is a fucking dead man walking.



I promised a double update, didn't I? ;) Lemme just tell you now...

Shit. Is. Going. Down.

OOH!! And I've decided my new cast and...

*drum roll*

Lucy Hale as Zoe


Chloe Bridges as Andrea :) so yay :3

Fix MeOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara