Chapter 23 : Pills and Guilt

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Whats good, chickas? :L

So, I wanted to let you guys know that I have another non-fan fic story called 'Good Girls Don't Fight' and it'd mean a lot if you gave it a read :)

It's about a cliché badboy, blahblah, cliché good girl, blah blah, and the guy's a boxer, but lemme tell you...

The story's gonna be anything BUT cliché :)

Thanksss <3

But yeah, here's Chapter 23 :) Sorry if it sucks. I'm feeling stupid today.








**Harry's POV**

        For some odd reason, I still couldn't get off my mind that when Avery and I were in the car, I noticed from the corner of my eye, she was taking some pills. She took about 3, or 4 of them but I didn't question her about it; as I thought they might just be for some...Ya know...Woman pains.

I chuckled at myself, as I thought of my theory.

Maybe that's why she's acting all...Well...Not Avery.

          I shook off my thoughts, and I walked up the small steps, that leaded into the restaurant/club, and I suddenly realized, that I didn't hear that annoying, yet comforting clicking sound of those death traps, Avery calls shoes. I just did a quick glance back, to make sure she was still walking behind me, but oddly enough I saw no sign of her as I was inside the club. I stopped in my tracks, and looked around slightly confused.

What the shit?

"Avery?" I called out, over the soft, jazzy music. I looked around in a circle, but she wasn't there. I sighed deeply in annoyance, but than something clicked in my mind.

I didn't hear her heels clicking, as we walked past those sketchy guys.

Oh fuck.

        I groaned, and quickly left the club that was playing soft jazz music in the background. I don't think you could really call this place a club. It was more like a lounging area, and they're weren't a bunch of loud, rowdy teenagers running about.

         I sprinted down the steps, and surely enough, there she was with a bunch of guys surrounding her, smirking deviously. A guy's hand was gripping onto her elbow, ever so tightly and for some reason, it made me bit my lip in anger. I glared at them all, with my lips pursed in a straight line. One of them looked at me, which caused a reaction for the rest of them to look at me.

         I noticed the man that was gripping Avery's elbow slowly loosened it, and on instinct, she ran from him, not looking where she was going, and slammed right into me by accident. I could feel her stiffen, as my arms wrapped around her protectively, but she slowly relaxed. Her hands were placed on my shoulders, while her elbows were resting on my chest.

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