Chapter 14 : My Brother Has a...G-girlfriend?

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**Avery's POV**

"Y-you what?" I said in disbelief. He let out a deep sign, and tugged his hair in frustration.

"Mom and Dad are gonna kill you, Josh!" I cried.

"I know, I just..." He said trailing off with another sigh. I looked at him, waiting for his reply.

"You what?!" I exclaimed impatiently.

"I'm kind of...Well, glad I got kicked out," he said shyly.

I gaped at him for a moment.

         "Are you insane Josh?! Why would you be glad you got kicked out?! Now, you won't be able to get a good job, and if you cant get a good job, no girl is gonna want to be with you! Why? Because well one, if you don't have a job, you want have any real money, and you'll be stuck living with mom and dad for the rest your life! No girl is going to want to be with someone who still lives with his parents! I mean, Is that what you want Josh?! Your gonna be that old creepy guy, that has twelve cats and doesn't do anything with his life, except eat potato chips, and watch TV all day. I am disappointed in you Joshua Young. Dis-a-pointed." I scowled him, as if he were a young child.

         He looked at me for a moment, and a smile was turned on the corner of his lips, before he burst out into laughter.

The dickhead burst into laughter.

"Josh!" I exclaimed. "It's not funny!"

He clutched his stomach with his left hand, and grabbed the countertop with his other one.

         "O-oh, Jesus Avery." He said after sobering up. "I was just joking, buttercup." He said before ruffling my hair.

           I gaped at him again, before taking out a black, plastic spatula that was on the counter, and staring beating him with it.

          "OW!" He said as he tried dodging my hits. "STOP HITTING ME WOMAN!" he cried, as he whipped the spatula out of my tiny hands, and held it above his head, so I couldn't get it.

            "Why would you do that to me Josh?! I just had a fricken heart attack, you dick." I said, holding a hand up to my chest.

             "I know," he said in a matter-of-fact tone. "That's why I did it," he continued with a smug smile, as he put the spatula down, when he saw I wasn't in the mode to attack him with utensils again.

           I rolled my eyes. "What's the real secret then?" I asked ignoring his comment.

His smug face went away, and it turned into a serious one. He breathed deeply, and his eyes locked with mine once more.

"I um..." he began. "I-I have a um..." he said stopping again. I rolled my eyes impatiently. I hate when people do this. I mean, if your gonna tell me something, then just say it! Don't put me into suspense with all your damn pauses.

"Spit it out Josh!" I exclaimed. He took another breath.

"Okay, I have a girlfriend," he said incredibly quickly, that  I almost couldn't catch it.

I gaped at him for a moment, to see if he was lying, but his face said it all, that he was telling the truth.

I squealed uncontrollably, and gripped my arms, around his waist, basically squeezing the life out of him....


"Oh Lord, not again." He croaked out. I giggled at him as I let go. "Josh, this is HUGE!" I gushed. He laughed at my reaction, and the grin didn't leave his face.

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