Chapter 51 : Okay

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**not edited**

**Harry's POV**

As soon as those words left Avery's mouth, my heart sank a little along with my face. A small, wavery puff of air escaped my nostrils. Her dad. My dad. We had never brought up those subjects before, but they were now coming up now as it seems.

There's not much of a big sob story when it came to my dad. He left us, I've hated him ever since. Simple as that. But I could tell Avery's was deeper than that. Much deeper.

I pulled her in closer to me by her waist, having her rest her body against mine. Her heart was beating quicker than usual, so I rubbed her shoulders gently, pressing a kiss to her temple.

"It's okay," I murmured into her hair. 

After that, it became silent. All I could hear was the sound of my dull, steady and deep sounding heartbeat, while Avery's was quick and crisp.

My fingers reached fore ward towards her head, grasping strands of her long dark hair that seems to be getting wavier by the days. 

I wrapped the piece of hair around my finger, curling it around about three times before doing that action again, counter clockwise.

Avery just simply stared off into the distance as my fingers continued to play with her hair. It smelt so good. Avery always smelt good. She had a very unique scent actually. She always smelt like lavender and oatmeal. It may sound weird as fuck, but it was the perfect combination. I remember when we were fourteen back when I bullied Avery - the thought of that made my jaw clench,- but I remember whenever she would pass by me in the halls, holding her books to her chest, looking down at her feet covered in a pair of converse hoping I wouldn't see her, which I obviously did. I always notice her. But she walked by me, and call me a fucking weirdo, but I sniffed the air as she walked by. Lavender and oatmeal became my new favourite scent.

I furrowed my eyebrows and stayed still for a minute. I shook my head slightly. Why the hell am I thinking about that now?

I looked down at Avery, to see her still just staring off into the distance while I combed her hair with my fingers.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked softly.

She didnt move an inch, but said, "How I'm gonna start this off."

I looked at her. "How about from the beginning? That's normally where a story normally begins." I saw her crack a small smile and nod. She let out a small breath of air.

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