Chapter 16 : Unstoppable

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**Avery's POV**

          "Oh my God!" Zoe squealed for probably about, the thousandth time. I groaned.

        "Let it go." I said with clenched teeth, as we walked into the school. It was crowded with rowdy teenagers, running about.

I really hoping that I don't run into...Well, I've said it before, I don't need to say it again. Well Harry I kinda have to see, considering we have homeroom coming up, but he'll just ignore me as usual.

"But he gave you his number!" Andie exclaimed.

"Are you telling me you're not going to call that perfection of God?" Zoe said. I laughed at her use of a sentence.

"No." I said. "It was probably like some stupid dare or something..." I mumbled.  Zoe scoffed, and Andrea rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, okay." Andie mumbled sarcastically. I ignored them both, and thankfully they both dropped the subject, and we all just walked over to our lockers.

"Well, as much as I would love to keep talking about this subject," I said sarcastically. "I need to get to homeroom with, it." I shuddered. And by it, I had meant Harry.

The two girls laughed at me, and waved me off. "Fine," Zoe sighed dramatically.

"But give me your phone first." I looked at her oddly for a minute, until she stuck her hand out, and shook it in irritation.

I sighed, and handed her over my phone. "And's," She said referring to Andrea. "Pass me the cup." Andrea obeyed, and handed her the red Starbucks cup, that had the number on it.

"What are you doing?" I asked worriedly, with my eyes wide open. Zoe didn't reply, but she had a mischievous smirk held on her face, and amusement twinkled in her eyes.

That can't be good.

"Zoe," I said warily. She sighed in content, and handed me back my device. "There ya go," she said with a sly grin.

"Oh Lord, what did you-" I looked down at the text, and an immediate blush rose to my cheeks.

From: Me

Heeeeeey Starbucks hottie ;) Whatcha up to? Its Avery, btw :* xx

I looked at Zoe with a dead glare, and she erupted in laughter, as did Andrea, as I showed her the text.

I pursed my lips into a straight line, and sent them a cold glare. Before I could wring Zoe's neck, the first warning bell went off, signifying I had ten minutes, till class started.

"You better pray I don't find you at lunch, you fuck twits." I grumbled angrily, as I walked away from them.

"Love you!" They both shouted in unison. I flipped them off with my middle finger, without even looking back. I heard them both erupt in laughter again, but this time I just ignored them.

         Normally, I would never, ever in a million years do something so bold like that- Okay, maybe flipping of one of your friends wasn't bold, but still- I had urge of confidence, because ever since the party, me taking those anxiety pills were actually really working for me. I wasn't all shaky and nervous. I wasn't looking over my shoulder every two seconds. I just felt...

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