Chapter 39 : Attacks, Flying Sparks, Explosions

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Songs of the Chapter:


Breath Me - Sia for Avery's POV



DNA - Little Mix for Zoe's POV




Explosions - Ellie Goulding for Andrea's POV









4 months later

**Avery's POV**

These past four months with Harry has been a little...


I'm not saying it was always like this, but occasionally one of us would snap at one another - most of the time it would be Harry snapping at me but I chose to ignore it thinking he was just going through a bit of a rough time at home or something. Not that I would know. He doesn't talk to me.

I sighed. "No Harry."

He pouted and wriggled around like a kid who isn't getting what he wants. "Please babe?

I rolled my eyes. "I said no, Harry. I don't want to."

"But it'll be so much fun!" He exclaimed jumping up and down.

I groaned, "Seriously Harry. We need to study, our test is tomorrow. I don't wanna talk about some stupid party."

He huffed and slumped back into his chair.

Harry and I were now using our free period to study for our history quiz. He was actually taking it really seriously, which made me proud. I also found it very cute how he would get frustrated over something.

We were making such good progress, until someone texted him - telling him that there was this major party happening this weekend. I told him he could go if he wanted, but I wasn't going too. Parties just really aren't my thing. I didn't like the atmosphere of it and trust me; that party I went to a couple months ago may have gotten me to break out of my shell a tad, but it didn't mean I liked them. I preferred to just stay at home with my cat and watch old movies.

I know, that sounds so terrible but that's who I am.

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