Chapter 7 : Eleanor

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**Harry's POV**

I finally found a bloody parking spot, that I felt took absolutly forever.

Avery and I haven't said much during the car ride, and to be honest it wasn't really that awkward.

We both just seemed to be lost in thought. Well, I was thinking about that great shag I had a couple years back, whereas she was probably thinking about the encyclopedia about brittcania.

I was about to hop out of my car, only to see Avery just sitting there, not moving.

I squinted my eyes at her, before annoying, clearing my throat.

Her head snapped up to me, before she furrowed eyebrows, and took in her surrondings. She sighed and pushed her hair out of her face.

She got out of my car, and I mimicked her actions. As I got out, Avery had already began walking towards the house---

Very slowly I may add.

I locked my car, with the push of a button and began walking, straight past Avery.

I'm really hoping that no one saw her get out of my car, cause the rumours at school would be going around like AIDS. I mean, what if people thought we were hooking up or some shit?


Yeah, no.

"Oi, Styles!" I heard someone call. I slowed down my walking and looked around, confused as to who was calling me.

"Over here, you fuck twit!" The voice said again. I rolled my eyes, when I realized who it was. The poor excuse I call for a best friend,


I walked over to him, and gave him one of those man hug things.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Nothing," he said before taking a swig of beer that he had in his hand.

I nodded, before remembering what we had talked about on the phone.

"So, what happened with Elanour," I asked with a tiny smirk appering on my lips.

He laughed slightly and scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"Well, she's actuall--" he got cut off, by a girl with long brown hair, walking up to him. 

She was wearing a flower headband around her head, like one of those 'hippie' ones, and she had on a pair of dark, red jeans, and flats.

"Hey, hey. I'm back!" She giggled.

I'm assuming she's drunk.

Louis laughed at her greeting. "I see that," he said with a smile.

She returned that smile, while taking a sip of the drink in her red cup.

I sort of just stood there awkwardly, since they were both engaged in their own conversations.

I cleared my throat, and Louis looked at me startled, almost as if he forgot I was there.

"Oh yeah!" He exclaimed. "Harry, this is Elanour," he said emphsizing the word Elanour so I would know that this was the girl he was talking about.

She gave me a tiny little wave, smiling at me.

"Hey," she said. I smiled back at her. I gave her a smile in return before replying with a hey.

I'm really hoping that just for Lou's sakes, she had totally forgotten about what happened with Avery today.

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