Chapter 15 : Starbucks, Complements, and Phone Numbers

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**Avery's POV**

         "Can I have a..." Andrea said trailing off in thought. "Ooh! Caramel Frappuccino, please." She said sweetly to the boy behind the counter at Starbucks.

         Like my dream, the weekend went by incredibly fast, and pretty soon, it was Monday. Zoe and Andrea had picked me up from my house, and we decided to go and grab some Starbucks, before heading off to school.

         I barley got any sleep that night, and those thoughts kept bumping into my head. I desperately tried to show that I was fine, and just kept a smile on my face, so I wouldn't have been bombarded with any of Zoe or Andie's questions.

           "Why must this line take years?" I groaned. Zoe playfully rolled her eyes at me, and laughed.

"Oh boohoo," she said. "We've been here for not even five minutes."

             "We've been here for not even five minutes," I mimicked.

 Zoe glared at me. "Stop it."

         I smirked knowing that Zoe hates it when people copy her, or mimic her. She throws an absolute hissy fit, and its absolutely hilarious to watch.

"Stop it," Andrea mimicked.

I gave her a knowing grin, which she returned with a wink.

"Guys," Zoe said in a warning tone.

Andrea and I both glanced at each other.

"Guuuuys." We both whined in unison.

We both started bursting in laughter, and Zoe just glared at us, before moving up in the line.

"You guys are rude," she muttered under my breath.

"You love us," Andie said proudly.

Zoe muttered something along the lines of 'Yeah, yeah' while she ignored us, and went to order her usual drink. A Venti, Vanilla Bean Frappuccino.

Honestly, Zoe drinks those things like water.

         This whole time, hanging out and laughing with my friends, I did feel about not telling them about the dinner with Harry- let alone the party. I didn't really know what to say, and to be honest, I just wanted to forget that night even happened. It was probably just a 'in the moment' kind of thing. I'm sure Harry and all his little minions, will be back to torturing me as usual.

Just hopefully, not the way they did in my dream.

         After Zoe ordered, Andrea went and order a Grande Hot Chocolate. After the two ordered their drinks, I settled on getting the same as Andie's.

           "Hi," I said as politely as I could. The boy that was working their, looked up from the cash register, and did a double take, as he saw me.

"Hi," he replied with a smile, showing off his perfectly straight, white teeth.

"Um, could I have a Venti sized Hot Chocolate as well, please?" I asked. I heard Andrea next to me, mutter something along the lines of 'Copycat..' I stifled in a laugh, and pulled out my wallet from the pocket of my oversized Bastille hoodie I had gotten a few months ago.

"Nice jumper," the boy said with slight, friendly smirk. I smiled cautiously at his compliment.

"Thanks," I said with a small smile, before handing him the money.

He grabbed a cup, and a Sharpie marker, to write my name on the cup.

"What's your name, gorgeous?" He asked as he throw off the lid and put it on the end of the marker.

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