Chapter 29 : The Green Eyed Monster

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A/N: Sorry for the wait. I'm terrible. wahh. x


You guys NEED to read this story by BatmanLover29; 'Out of Sight ' So far, I read the prologue and it really hooked me:] Check it out:)



**Avery's POV**

I was extremely disappointed, as when I got to class, we were told that Mr. Oliver was sick, and we had this mean old grouchy supply teacher; Mr. Fraser.

I sat at my desk, while Mr. Fraser was talking about this huge assignment Mr. Oliver had planned for us. On top of that, we had to finish our book report on The Fault In Our Stars by next Monday, but I wasn't really too phased about it. It was one of my favourite books.

Most people in my class were stressed out about it, but I wasn't considering I have this book about too many times to count.  I loved reading all in general. I would read stuff from Teen Fiction, to Science Fiction, to Fantasy---Pretty much anything.

My mind slowly drifted from the topic of our class conversation, and back to the events at lunch. Harry kissed me. Again.

Why would he kiss me again? I had been thinking of scenarios of why would kiss me twice in one week.

Maybe he likes me?

No. Harry's been known for being a complete and utter player. He goes for girls with hour glass figures, and blonde hair, and a perky personality.

Complete opposite of me.

I bit my lower lip anxiously, as I continued to fiddle around with my pencil.

Maybe he's just toying with me?

Well, that could be it. But I saw it in his eyes, and he looked sincere when he was about to tell me why he kissed me again.

What was he going to say?

I was so intrigued, nervous and also a bit excited of what Harry was going to tell me, until the bell rang. Now obviously I was nervous, but intrigued and excited?

I have no clue.

As if on cue, my thoughts about Harry were cut off, when the devil himself walked in. Everyone's heads averted from Mr. Fraser gaze and over to Harry who just casually walked to the seat behind me. As he was walking past my desk, I couldn't stop staring at him.There was something off about him though. He looked...

Not Harry.

His brown curly locks of hair were all ruffled up, like someone had ran their fingers through it. His lips looked a bit swollen and red; sort of like a lip stick. And above all of that, what really caught my attention, was the huge, purple bruise looking thing on his neck.

I let out an inaudible gasp, and people around the classroom smirking at him, and laughing.

"Atta boy, Styles!" Someone shouted, which caused the class to erupt in giggles. Mr. Fraser started to threaten the class about giving us all detention, if we didn't pipe down, so the class soon became quiet again.

Mr. Fraser grimaced at Harry. "Your late, Mr. Styles."

"Am I?" He said with sarcasm laced perfectly in his tone. Normally, I would have had to stifle a laugh at that, but right now, I was a bit flustered with how Harry looked right now.

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