Chapter 31 : Official

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A/N: Hello :)

Okay, so last chapter...I bet your all wondering...


But basically, I didn't want this story to be dragging on, but just because Avery and Harry are now together, doesn't mean everything is going to be rainbows and butterflies ;) (wink wink). So im sorry if you think its rushed, but I got some tricks up ma sleeve ;)




- the next day -

**Avery's POV**

I hurried down the stairs with my brown Uggs patting against the hard wooded floors.

I was surprised as I saw my brother, my mom and dad all sitting downstairs together, drinking coffee. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion, but didn't have time to question it as I was already late, and Andrea and Zoe were waiting for me outside.

"Hey guys," I greeted my family. They all sent me greetings back, going back to their own conversation, assuming they knew I was late.

I headed out the door, shutting it behind me. I nervously fiddles around with the drawstring of my gray hoodie, and my heart was beating faster then usual.

Today was the day I was going to tell Zoe and Andrea about everything that's happened with me and Harry, including the fact I'm now his girlfriend.

The thought of that made my heart flutter and a grin to my face. All the memories of last night made me giggle slightly to myself, and my smile remained in tact.


I tried repositioning my body so I was a bit more comfortable in this extremely tiny closer. I was breathing heavily, trying not to make too much sound because if I did, I was dead.

I heard something clatter from the outside, making me jolt in my spot.

Oh fuck. He's getting closer.

"Oh Aveeeeery!" He called out in a menacing tone. "Come out, come out where ever you are!"

I clamped a hand on my mouth to stop the giggles that were about to escape.

Now, you're probably wondering what the hell is happening right now.

Basically, we were still at Harry's lake house, and after about twenty minutes of making out, we decided to play hide and seek. Why?

Because were huge five year olds.

I had been in his kitchen pantry for about five minutes, being completely surrounded by cans and cans of stuff. My leg was beginning to cramp up, but I couldn't stretch it out, since it would cause a lot of noise. I peaked out through the tiny crack through the door, to see Harry standing there, with his back to me. I smirked to myself, as I slowly stood up, trying my best not to knock anything over. I slowly opened the door, to see Harry typing away on his phone. I carefully, and quietly made my way over to him, freezing in place for a moment. I smiled widely, and jumped on his back, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"BOO!" I screamed in his ear.

"Jesus Christ!" He yelled, jolting in response. I bursted out laughing as I jumped off his back, watching Harry clutch his heart.

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