Chapter 25 : Fix You

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**Avery's POV**


"Um...I can't..." I mumbled. Harry looked at me, before raising an eyebrow and snorting slightly.

"Why?" He asked.

Quick, Improvise! Improvise!


"My sleeves are practically skin tight," I said rolling my eyes. "If I try rolling them up, they'll rip easily." I explained. He stared at me for a moment, before shrugging as if he understood.

"Fine," he sighed. His solemn expression quickly faded and that stupid, stupid smirk appeared again.

"Ya know," he began. "You could always just take off your dress if your uncomfortable," he winked. I scrunched my face in disgust and scoffed.

"Yeah, okay. In your dreams, Styles." I snickered.

His smirk grew wider. "Oh you will be in my dreams." He said. I thought he had finished his obnoxious comment, but then he continued as he leaned into my ear.

"But without the dress," he whispered, before he gave me another knowing wink, and left the bathroom, leaving the disinfectant and cotton swabs.

My cheeks were probably still flushed from his comment, even thought he didn't mean it; it still had some sort of affect on me.

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