Chapter 30 : Finding Pieces

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**Avery's POV**

I quickly ran a brush through my hair, grabbing a hair tie and quickly pulling it all up into a messy bun. I sighed softly, and left my bathroom as I heard my phone beep.

From: Harry

Hey. Be at your house in five:)

Harry. x

I chewed on the inside of my cheek, and went over to my drawers.

I still had no idea what Harry was planning for tonight and every time I would text him to ask, he would just tell me the same thing.

It's a surprise.

I huffed in irritation. All Harry had told me, was to wear something comfortable, so I decided to just wear a light cream colored sweater, a pair of leggings, and my black Uggs.

I still had no idea why I had agreed to this, especially since Harry had already gotten two strikes now. But, me being the curious child I am of course I said yes. I heard a honk come from outside and I hurried over to my window, stubbing my pinky toe in the process. I hissed in pain and clutched my foot, scowling at my dresser.

"Piece of shit," I muttered. I walked over to the window as the pain subsided, and saw the familiar black car.

I sighed deeply, and slipped on my boots. I left my bedroom grabbing a pen and paper to write a note for my mom, dad and Josh just in case they come back and wonder where I am.

Going out with a friend for a bit. Be back in a couple of hours.


That made me think a bit.

What are me and Harry?

Are we friends? Can we even call ourselves that? All I've ever known Harry for is just the kid who would torture me for no apparent reason, and just suddenly decided he wants to make it right, but he's done nothing to prove to me he has truly changed for the better. Instead, he goes and make me feel these things towards him, when in reality, he would want nothing to do with me romantically.

I know I have a crush on Harry.

There's not point in denying it. As much as I had tried to convince myself that I didn't, I know I do. The way I felt when he kissed my cuts that night, and when he actually kissed me. I felt the most empowering, most exhilarating feeling.

I left the note on the fridge, sticking a magnet to it. I grabbed my house keys and wallet and rushed out of my house, locking the door behind me.

My body was immediately met by the cool, autumn chill and I sighed in content. Autumn whether has always just been the most incredible type. Not too cold, not too hot. Just a perfect combination of both.

I made my way over to Harry's car and surprisingly, I saw him reach over his seat, and open up the door for me. I furrowed my eyebrows, but entered the car anyways. I leant my head down, and buckled up my seatbelt. I haven't said anything to Harry yet, and I just stared out the window.

"Hi," Harry said breaking the silence. I quickly stole a glance at him, and noticed he had on a black beanie with some of his chocolate brown curls sticking out. He was also wearing a button down black, flees long sleeved shirt.

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