Chapter 2 : The New Kid

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**Avery's POV**

          Luckily, once I rushed into the bathroom, no one was in it. I looked in the mirror in front of me and instantly my shoulders slumped. Because of the sticky goodness that Louis had dumped all over me, my hair felt all gross, and my white hoodie had a brown stain that when from shoulders, down to the hem of the fabric.

 I sighed and walked over to the sink to attempt to wash this crap out of my hair. I bent under the tap, and started to semi-wash it.

Suddenly, the bathroom door swung open and I quickly looked up, hitting my head on the tap in the process.

"Ow," I mumbled and shut my eyes.

"How do you even manage to do that?" I heard someone snicker. I frowned but then started to chuckle as I opened my eyes and saw Zoe and Andrea standing before me.

"Cause," I muttered. They both smiled, and came over to me.

"You okay?" Andrea began with a look of sympathy on her face. I looked at her with a small smile.

"Yeah," I sighed. "But now I'm covered in gross, disgusting iced coffee," I said frowning. Zoe smiled sadly at me. Zoe had the probably one of the warmest smiles I've ever seen, even if it was filled with sympathy.

I'm not gonna lie right now, I actually did envy both Zoe, and Andrea.

            I feel so self-conscious whenever I'm around them in public. Guys would always stare, and flirt with the two and I was just on the outside. They always told me guys were flirting with me all the time, but I was just to innocent or oblivious to realize it. I would always tell them they were just being nice, but they never seemed to buy it.

            It was obvious how guys those two. Zoe with her flirty charms and Andrea with her Spanish flare. Yes, I did say Spanish. She immigrated to America a couple years back, but then her and her dad moved her to Cheshire.

"Here," Zoe said, pulling me out of my thoughts. She took off her light purple hoodie that said 'PINK' on the front, and handed it over to me. She now only had on a black, slim tight quarter inch sleeved shirt along with her baby blue jeans. I smiled gratefully at her.

 "This is why were friends," I said, taking the hoodie.

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