What would Kai's fraternal ties with others look like?

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• With Nya obviously his ties would be very strong, if something bothered or scared her, he would go immediately with Kai to let off steam and feel safe. And Kai would not hesitate to go to help her younger sister, she would even be able to make a rush to anyone who even hurt her.

• The ties with Lloyd would be the same as with Nya's. As a child, Lloyd felt a great admiration for Kai, and still feels it today. Kai would always be there for his honorary younger brother, and that includes always getting him out of trouble. To make him feel better, Kai always ruffled his hair in gameplay.

• The ties with Cole would be like a best friend. With him he would train all the time (before Lloyd, of course) and on the breaks they would go to sit on the couch and rest for the rest of the day.

• With Zane, their relationship is closer, Kai appreciates Zane for how special she is. Basically he is your closest friend. He is always there with him when help is needed in the kitchen, since they are the only two on the team who can make a decent meal. On breaks they would always be watching cooking shows in the living room to someday make good recipes.

• In company with Jay, it would be nothing more to play video games, and they had to endure each other when one of them lost a game or combat. Kai loves Jay, but he always has an eye on him when Nya and he go out to the side. He knows that they will probably end up being brothers-in-law, but he would still give him approved advice to be able to date Nya, of course with warnings.

• In winter seasons, I would let everyone approach him without protesting anything. He would let everyone snuggle close to him to be warm.

• He would go to the rescue immediately if any of his friends are in danger. That would also imply, jumping into the fight without thinking.

• With his blacksmith skills, he was in charge of making several weapons for them for future fighting.

• I would always joke with them if they find themselves in shameful situations.

• He would always be there with them to comfort them if any of his friends were injured. Either emotional or physical. It is also sometimes good to give good advice.

• Kai knows that if he does something reckless he would be scolded by everyone, but mentally he knows it was worth it since it helped prevent his friends from getting seriously injured.

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