Ninjago UA (No name yet)

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• To make the baby laugh, Jay will try to make funny faces to stop crying, but doing so only scares her more. That makes Cole or Kai hit him in the head as punishment, but when they hit him that makes the baby laugh. 

Jay: (Grimaces to make the baby laugh, but only scares her more)

Cole: Tarado, you scare her! (He said hitting his head)

(The baby laughs when it hits Jay, but he cries again)

Lloyd: Hey, give him another, he likes it.

Jay: What ...? (He receives another blow from Cole) Ay! (Then he hears the baby laugh)

Cole: Hehehe. I even feel better hitting him.

Jay: Hey, that's not fair!

• Cole has to take care of her, he keeps her all the time in the baby sitter. And the possibility that it is even in the moments in which he is training.

• Zane, taking care of her food every hour and would sleep with lullabies that she recorded in her audios.

• Lloyd would play with her during her turn, and teach her how to play video games very soon and pretend they were training with the baby's toys. 

• Nya would be the most affectionate aunt with her and apart from that she would also be her personal nanny. If Kai is not at home, Nya would take care of her and sing a lullaby or read and tell stories that can put her to sleep deeply.

Nya: Ok, little one. Aunt Nya is here with you.

(The baby would laugh when he saw her).

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