The Legend of the Jungle

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· In the story, the jungle that will be seen in the story will take place in Ninjago, and will not be a canonical jungle as seen in the series. The Ninjago jungle is one of the most sacred and enormous in the world, it has numerous origin stories, but the most famous one told is about how the animals that first set foot in this jungle are elephants. Local villages say that elephants were the animals that spread the jungle by creating numerous mountains with their footprints, creating rivers with their tusks, and increasing the growth of trees with their tromps. That is, why elephants are sacred in the jungle and all animals show them respect, they do not talk much, but their actions say a lot, also, they travel a lot through the jungle, that is why they are not seen much in the same place.

· The first animals that arrived in this jungle lived together in peace and established the "Laws of the Jungle" and this applied to each animal that lived in the jungle, the same jungle even gave all animals the gift of speech and other languages to that they could coexist better with each other, even, if they wanted, animals could communicate with humans. Not many animals decided to use the gift of speech, but even without speaking, animals could understand each other.

· Elephants are the ones who protect the jungle, every living being in the jungle shows them respect by bowing before them, and they are the only ones who understand the jungle best, they know when the jungle is in danger or when an animal shows itself to be a threat to the entire jungle and its inhabitants. But there are herds that govern their parts of the jungle, each animal maintains its territory, that is part of the Law of the Jungle, and there are seasons in which sometimes hunting is prohibited and the animals coexist in peace, breaking these laws means exile on the Eastern side of the jungle, a dark and dry place full of numerous valleys and ruins, several of which were from human civilizations, and where almost no sunlight is enough and many animals do not go there due to scarcity of food and water.

· The eastern side of the jungle is mainly inhabited by scavengers, carnivores that had broken some of the laws, or other animals that did not adapt to living in their herds or parts of the jungle. It is also inhabited by a herd of apes that is mixed by several species, and they call themselves the Bandar-Logs, this herd is led by the ape who proclaims himself "Ape King", this ape is called Chen, and he does not like following the laws of the jungle, he makes his command steal whatever he wants and bothers whoever he wants, sometimes his henchmen enter the territory of humans to steal various of their belongings and use them as decorations. There are no definitive leaders in that territory, all the animals that arrive there must kill, fight or steal to survive on their own. But also, that place is known as "The Lawless Territory", and many are prohibited from going there.

· On the edge of the Ninjago jungle is the Man Village, or Jamanakai Village as the humans named it, this village has existed for a long time and continues to thrive in modern years, although it is not as expandable as other villages, it still has humble characteristics, but not at all run down, this village marks the beginning at the entrance to the Ninjago jungle for humans living on the continent. Its inhabitants are in charge of taking proper care of the jungle, since from its beginnings the first men to arrive there affirmed that the jungle was a sacred place that should not be destroyed or changed by other human activities.

· The Jamanakai Village is a quite famous tourist place thanks to its excursions in the jungle, tourists get on vans and the guides explain each story about the jungle, very few animals are seen since humans have no idea about the existence of the Jungle Laws. The inhabitants of the village are quite vigilant in some places in the jungle to avoid hunting, which is prohibited. Although the village is not modernized, it has a road that leads directly to the city, which is where tourists come from and travel to the Jamanakai village to visit the jungle and its inhabitants.

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