Children with Powers

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• The story will focus on modern times, apart from talking a lot about how some corrupt governments operate and more about how the absurd system of Bureaucracy and Feudalism works. A story where true good government is pitted against bad government.

• People with powers began to manifest a year after several natural disasters occurred in the world, that was because humans throughout the earth have lately begun to damage their own planet, now nature leaves their descendants as humans who possess elemental powers, and this begins to manifest after almost all women over 20 years of age began to get pregnant in mysterious ways, the world did not think that vaginal deliveries really existed, but seeing all these circumstances the world declared that in every country and city support centers would be built for women who suffered from mysterious vaginal deliveries.

• This only happened with virgin women at random, women who were already expecting a baby were worried about whether their children would be born with some power or not. It even happened with women who had already had their own children, you never knew if their new descendants would be elemental people or just normal humans.

• When the babies were one year old, their powers began to manifest around them, but with very little energy, since their powers were not yet strong enough in children's bodies.

• The world did not know what to do, several leaders considered this a threat, but others believed that it was a miracle of nature, several of the children were tested in different parts of the country, as they all tried to find out how such an extraordinary miracle was possible. But nothing worked, there was practically nothing strange in the children, they were just normal humans, except for their abilities in different elements of the earth.

• Apart from that, nature revealed itself to humans that they possessed powers, that was because if they were in some kind of danger, if you wanted with all your heart the help of Mother Nature, she will come to the aid of anyone, several already. they saw her as a second goddess, while others saw her as a threat.

• With the passage of a little time, several countries became one, created societies in different ways, the country that stood out the most in the world was Ninjago, the largest country that housed all kinds of technologies, as well as a great number of elemental people.

• Ninjago was an independent country, but with the passage of time people began to create an anarchy within the main capital of Ninjago, where the most important places in the country were located, in addition to the fact that little by little various elemental people were discriminated against By being abnormal and different, this endangered the country, since if the entire country of Ninjago was not controlled it would be involved in a possible civil war that would later become a world war.

• The leaders who made the construction of Ninjago possible met and agreed to hold elections for the good of the country, where a government would be created that can control Ninjago and its inhabitants, but it would all depend on how the citizens were managed.

• It was at that time that the billionaire businessman Chen made his appearance to participate in the elections, the most that nobody hated elemental people, he wanted the world to be like before the people who possessed the elements arrived, he wanted to create a society that only followed his rules of perfection, he wanted to create a Bureaucracy where perfection is only seen in Ninjago and in the whole world, and the "different" is not known in his idealistic ideas.

• The leaders of the other countries viewed Chen with distrust, but could not deny that he was a powerful man, he had at his disposal all kinds of resources and a large army of mercenary soldiers under his command. And every day his ranks increased thanks to his influence with the authorities throughout Ninjago.

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