Western Ninjago AU

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· The story was inspired in the year 1900, by then locomotives, steamboats and other machines already existed.

· The main character is Lloyd, who is 11 years old in this story (and I loved Lloyd when he was a kid!). The second is Kai, who is 27 years old.

· Kai will once again take on the role of Lloyd's personal nanny, but unlike the series, Kai will adopt a cold, lonely and serious attitude, but as long as he is at the side of Lloyd, Nya, Skylor and the others, he will be able to assume an attitude at once embarrassing and timid, at the same time somewhat self-centered and reckless.

· The land of Ninjago was a fairly wild land, desert and dry, as well as untamable, but with the arrival of the first natives to the land things changed for Ninjago. Aside from that, they used various spirits as guides and guardians in their lands.

· After the natives settled in Ninjago, the tribes were guided to a large mountain located between the desert and nature, there the natives found valuable minerals, and most importantly, they found gold, hundreds of gold, mountains and stone stones gold inside the mountain. And seeing that it was safe, the indians decided to establish their city within the mountain.

· The natives, upon settling on the mountain, named their first civilization, Djinjago, the first city that was connected to both the mountain and the nature of all of Ninjago.

· The alliance with the spirits was about the indigenous people respecting the mountain and everything that lived in it, that is why the indigenous people began to treat the mountain as a living being and with respect, since they only took from the mountain what they they needed. . Because if the mountain were damaged and exploited by men, the city of Djinjago would be destroyed and buried with all its riches and minerals.

· But although the city and the tribes prospered for a long time, the time came when the colonizers came to conquer and discover new lands, including Ninjago. They were so impressed by the prosperity of Ninjago that they decided to take the land, but then the natives unleashed a war against the colonizers since they did not want foreigners to invade their lands.

· And after a year of war, both the natives and the colonizers decided to end the war and reach a good agreement between both sides. The agreement was that the colonizers would take what they wanted in their own territory as long as they did not go near Djinjago Mountain or their lands. This is how the city of Ninjago was formed little by little, and then other cities were created.

· But one of the leaders of the colonizers, known as Mayor Clinton, decided to break the agreement and take the lands of the natives, so he deceived the chief of the natives by telling him that he was only going to share his resources, the agreement would be carried out cape in a camp near the mountain. The Mayor Clinthon launched a ruthless attack against the place, and took the gold that the Indians had brought from Djinjago as tribute for the agreement, to take it as proof.

· He also forced the Indian chief to create an object that would take him back to the city of Djinjago where all the gold was. That is why the chief of the Indians and the great shaman of the great tribes created three fundamental objects for Mayor Clinthon to find the city again. The object turned out to be a large cross of pure gold that could be divided into two parts. If joined together, the cross would serve as a compass at the direct entrance to the mountain that would lead to the chamber where the gold ores were found.

· The other object turned out to be a gold amulet with spiritual carvings, the amulet was enchanted by the Shaman and this would serve as a key that would activate the cross. They only had to go to the Shaman's altar located on the hill called "Fang Hill", where if they placed the cross on the altar, the sun's rays would activate the cross with the amulet.

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