The Apprentice of Magic (7)

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· Echo belongs to a prestigious brand of android manufacturing that belongs to Ninjago, he was bought by a wealthy family to serve as a servant in that family's house, but Echo began to have technical failures in several of his limbs, and by not wanting to pay for the corresponding repairs the family decided to turn it off permanently and dispose of it at the scrapyard in the city of Ninjago.

· Garmadon found Echo after he went to the warehouse looking for various parts for his training devices, he found Echo in good condition, albeit somewhat dirty, rusty, and with some loose wires. Garmadon picked him up and took him to the monastery where he maintained it and managed to turn it on thanks to his magic, and was also able to give Echo his own consciousness, but this was hidden from everyone since giving a consciousness to an android without A special permit would be considered illegal in Ninjago City, this also applies in schools during magical technology classes. After turning it on, Garmadon educated Echo with many studies since once Echo woke up he had the mentality of a child, but still retained his programming as a servant.

· Echo has been in charge of cleaning and maintaining Garmadon's monastery ever since, and after Garmadon brought Benthomaar Echo was the one who took care of him until Garmadon returned from his missions and errands.

· Echo, having the mentality of a child, is quite curious, and tries to learn as much as he can to become a "normal person", but he is also somewhat naive and innocent whenever Garmadon or Bentho play a prank on him or try to trick him. Teach him a new gadget or game. He likes to spend time playing with Bentho since he is the only one who teaches him how to play different games when he is not cleaning the monastery. Sometimes he even has a hard time following the rules of different games that Bentho teaches him.

· Echo sometimes has problems with her limbs, and Garmadon often brings her new parts to replace the old ones, but some parts are often hard to find, as the surveillance in some factories is very good. Garmadon can repair his parts, but without the necessary parts he sometimes finds it difficult, he often sticks some of his parts together with tape, and small insects invade Echo's body, which sometimes makes him tingle inside. But even Garmadon managed to improve some of his pieces, in addition to teaching him many combat moves, as well as improving his self-defense programming.

· Echo was very curious when Garmadon brought Kai to the monastery, even Echo helped Garmadon heal Kai, and after Kai got used to the place Echo asked him how to be a "normal person". Kai sometimes seemed weird to him as Echo tried to imitate him, but he was still amused by her innocent attitude, sometimes Kai even helped him with the cleaning of the monastery.

· On top of that, Echo helped out with Kai's training, mainly some hand-to-hand combat, balance sessions, some of those training consisted of extreme cleaning in the monastery. Echo is also an excellent cook, he loves to read about cookbooks or household cleaning supplies, and he thinks it's fun, but Bentho always tells him that's boring.

· Several of her limbs often fall out of nowhere, and when that happens, Zippy plays with them as if they were little bones, and sometimes it's a bit difficult to get them back since Echo has to make an effort to remove Zippy's limbs. And more for taking them from Red, since he even tends to bury his limbs in different places on the beach or outside the monastery.

· Garmadon and Kai's guardian totems, Onid and Aiden, sometimes steal their limbs to play with Echo.

· Echo is one of the few androids that has a conscience, since if a machine is found to have a conscience, the guards will have the task of sending that machine to the landfill, where they will be destroyed and reused. It is for this reason that Garmadon does not let him go out alone, when he lets Garmadon accompany him, he uses a magic that camouflages Echo's energy, plus tell him that I acted as a simple servant android without conscience. But he usually stays a lot in the monastery so that he can better take care of Bentho and the other creatures that inhabit the monastery.

· In addition, Echo taught Kai how to handle the magical technology of Ninjago since he still kept the study of magical technology in his programming, thanks to that Kai managed to better understand the technology in Ninjago, in addition, Echo became a bit obsessed in finding out how it worked Kai's phone, he even thought Kai's phone was another android, sometimes he talked to the phone, which sometimes annoyed Kai, even Echo mistakenly used Kai's phone camera, that included accidentally using the voice recorder of the telephone.

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