The Apprentice of Magic

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· It all starts with Kai and his family, who are originally islanders from the Ignacia Islands in the United States, but thanks to the great work of Kai's parents as detectives in their hometown they were promoted and transferred to the city of Ninjago, (which It is close to a beach and the Pacific coast), and it is one of the most important cities in the country thanks to its historical and tourist places, plus for having a great abundance in commerce.

· The history of the founding and discovery of the city is somewhat curious and mysterious after a young nobleman and his followers discovered the place and named it Ninjago during the seventeenth century, the human city as well as the magical city bear the same name since that the young nobleman apparently traveled to the magical islands of Ninjago during that time and in honor of the world he named his city with the same name as the city that welcomed him into the magical world.

· At the age of 11, Kai and his family moved from their island to the city of Ninjago after months before, before moving, a tragic accident occurred in which Kai, his younger brothers; 5-year-old Nya and 1-year-old Lloyd, and their paternal grandfather Kazai, are engulfed and trapped in the embers of the fire that destroyed their grandfather's home after a former criminal wanted by their parents burned down their grandfather's cabin, Kazai, for a personal vendetta against the pair of detectives.

· After the three brothers were saved by their grandfather shortly after Kazai died in hospital from the severity of his injuries. This caused a strong trauma in Kai, as well as a depression when he thought that it was his fault that his grandfather died in front of him and that he couldn't do anything to save him during the fire. Ray, Kai's father, was the one who managed to capture the culprit of the fire days after the incident. This achievement was one of the reasons why he and his wife were given great recognition and earned a good position in the Ninjago police.

· After the fire Kai managed to get a burn that left a scar on the side of his left cheek, and every time he looks at her it reminds him of that fateful day. After his parents accepted the transfer to the city, Kai managed to overcome his trauma on his own but since then he has a strong fear of big fires. And almost the same day of the incident , or from time to time, they have serious nightmares of that night of the incident with their grandfather. The only memory Kai has of his grandfather is a necklace in the shape of a fang, Kai's grandfather got it when he was young, but his story goes that Kai's grandfather got it as a gift from the "Great Golden Guardian" a mythical dragon that traveled from Ninjago to the human world to live on the island of Ignacia since the king of Ninjago began to show his power in Ninjago, although of course, several of the inhabitants, as well as Ray and his family, only thought that they were it was a story invented by Kazai, Kai also thought it was a fantasy story but he still liked to hear it and even his brothers liked to hear it. And since it was a special gift from his grandfather, Kai has never taken it away from him ever since.

· Kai's family moved to a nice neighborhood near the shoreline of the beach and the woods, and it was a good distance from the police station where his parents would work as well as a good distance from the city and his new schools. But the downside for Kai was adjusting to his new surroundings, his parents thought it would be a good start for Kai to be away from the incident site but Kai, for a short time, was angry about being away from home, but over time I managed to get used to the new environment. But the problems were not over for Kai, several of the children in his neighborhood did not accept him for being a foreigner and made fun of him for showing the ancient customs of his island, customs that he learned from his grandfather.

· For displaying these kinds of customs at school, he was made the target of many ridicules by his classmates, and they considered him a "problem child" after he sent a child older than him to the hospital after beating him many times for defend his younger siblings from being harassed by that boy and his gang. Several of the neighbors complained about Kai for that scene and took their children away from him and that caused many problems for their parents. At school they saw him as a "phenomenon" and since then they have not stopped making fun of him for seeing him differently. But he was also teased for his burn scar on his cheek, with many calling him a "murderer" after learning of the incident he was involved in with his grandfather.

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