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· Arcadia is a type of vital magical energy that is used to produce life on the planet of Ninjago. Magic feeds the planet and has even developed to create its own life, from there various beings and creatures are born that live thanks to Arcadian magic. Even this magic is used in different advanced technologies, such as medicine, weapons, defenses, science, alchemy among other things. The magic itself can be manipulated by the same creatures created from it or by different beings that may be able to control and understand it.

· Arcadian magic can be manifested in different ways depending on the type of use given to it by the living beings that are controlling it, and they can also manifest it in a great way in specific and ancestral places for magic, since magic itself also has some kind of consciousness itself. It is also materialized through objects created from the same magic, in addition Arcadian magic is capable of quickly adapting to different objects, as well as adapting to the needs of the planet with each new generation through the years, as well as in other universes or other planets.

· But this magic can also be corrupted, pure Arcadia can become Dark Arcadia or Dark Matter as many call it. This corrupt magic can create dark beings that are capable of extracting the life of other beings in order to survive, more apart from destroying life in their path in order to steal the vital energy around them, it is not easy to cure them, magic would be needed Arcadian strong and pure to make them pure. Dark Arcadian magic is not easy to control, but it is possible if the host has great determination both physically and spiritually, not being dominated by the power of this magic is the only solution not to be corrupted and controlled by the darkness of magic. . Another way that magic becomes corrupted and controls its host is through negativity, when a being presents weak and negative feelings, magic takes little control of its host and then becomes a single being, totally dangerous and corrupt.

· Dark Arcadia arises mainly from beings misusing their Pure Arcadian magic or when a place is critically contaminated and the beings that inhabited it take on a negative and corrupted form in their minds or bodies. Magic is born from the polluted soul of any being, an example would be when the wielder commits heinous crimes or when he feeds his magic with negative and depressing emotions, the greater those negative emotions or ambitions, the more corrupt the magic becomes in the wielder. , causing pure magic to become corrupted and transformed into dark energy. But this dark magic can also be created with the necessary ingredients for its elaboration, it is created mainly through alchemy but its elaboration is somewhat difficult and late, apart from the fact that the process can be dangerous and would even affect the health of the creator, it can also be short in process when the necessary materials are obtained.

· The beings who were first born through Arcadian magic called themselves "First Ones". His rumination was the richest, most peaceful and abundant of all thanks to his correct handling of Arcadian magic and its technological and scientific advances, as well as his advances in weaponry and defenses for his home. But for many specific reasons their race stayed away from the other primitive peoples of the planet, even so after many years several of its inhabitants shared their knowledge with different peoples and other beings on the planet, but even so they remained hidden.

· The home of the First Ones was called "First Kingdom", a place that very quickly became a simple fairy tale for children and its history was almost forgotten over the years. The history of the First Kingdom was formed thanks to its incredible fables of science and highly advanced technologies that would almost sound so unreal to any living being, it was also said that it was the place of origin of Arcadian magic, and that perhaps they know the secret of eternal life. Although it is true, its inhabitants may live a long time, but they are still born and die as normal living beings, they even grow old, but it is already the decision of the inhabitants themselves to want to live longer or not, and that is due to their incredible mastery of Arcadian magic. The maximum number of years the First Ones have lived is 100 to 200 years minimum, this also depends on their ability with Arcadia and their physical and health states.

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