The Apprentice of Magic (11)

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· While in the human realm, after Kai's disappearance, Ray and Maya immediately launched a search investigation for their son throughout the city and even put up various wanted posters with Kai's image on them. The police department joined them and some government agents closed down the camp after discovering that there was some sort of explosion and residue of some weird energy in the area of the forest where Kai disappeared.

· After Kai's disappearance was reported in the camp, several government agents came to the forest and when they saw the area of the explosion they thought that it was a terrorist attack in the area, but also when they saw that the area emanated a strange energy the government decided to put the camp area in isolation and quarantine in case it was a new chemical used by terrorists. Several agents even had to join the search for Kai to cover more ground from the mysterious attack in the camp's forest.

· The same mayor and police commissioner of the city of Ninjago gave all the support to the pair of detectives, and even provided them with a few days of necessary rest so that they could overcome Kai's disappearance and so that they could take better care of their other two younger children, Nya and Lloyd.

· Ray and Maya are sorry for sending Kai away, they thought they were doing the right thing but they didn't think that Kai would disappear in the camp, when they left home to continue looking for Kai they always took Nya and Lloyd, since they had permission from their schools for the children to miss a few days of school. Ray was the one who went out searching for Kai the most with equipment while Maya stayed home the most to take care of Nya and Lloyd.

· After the search was unsuccessful for three months, the government withdrew its agents from the case for not discovering anything related to the explosion and several of the police station agents also withdrew from the case, Ray and Maya had to return to his duties, but Kai's search alert was still on, Ray was the one in charge of continuing with his son's case as well as solving other cases at the station, Maya took part of her work home to be able to take care of of their children and keep the house in order. The mayor was considerate and stopped asking for Ray and Maya's help in several of his political cases until they found out what really happened to his son Kai.

· Nya and Lloyd have not stopped crying for Kai since then, they were no longer the same, and when Maya spent more time with them she was able to discover all the weight that her son had to carry taking care of his younger siblings and about maintaining his own home when she and Ray were at he works at the station. Maya and Ray talked about it and since then they tried to reconnect with their two youngest children, but things were not very easy as the two children became more closed than ever without the presence of their older brother.

· Nya stopped making inventions for a while, but she was still doing her respective chores at home, but she no longer had the inspiration to be able to do what she loved in the early days without her brother, since she missed when Kai helped her with her chores and inventions, she even missed when he took her and Lloyd for a walk around the city or the beach, she usually goes by Kai's room and tries to imagine that her brother is there training or doing something else but she knows that he is gone there in his room. When she returned to school, Nya moved away from her classmates and only focused on herself, but that caused concern in the teachers since Nya became quiet and also fought with other children at school who made fun of her disappearance his brother's.

· Her parents tried to talk to her but it almost didn't work, Ray and Maya knew that she was more open with Kai since he was the only one who spent more time with her when they were working at the station. In addition, Nya always told them that she was fighting only to defend her brother's memory since she always said that Kai would do the same, her parents tried to explain the case better but it didn't seem to work, in a short time she made some inventions again but never finished them since he didn't have the same motivation since his brother disappeared.

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