Arcadia (9)

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· Lloyd may not have known his father like his uncle, his mother, Kai and Nya did, but I admire him because of the stories his uncle and mother told him, even more so after meeting Kai and Nya. Morro always told Lloyd that he didn't know him very well, but he does admit that he was a good man and that his desire to be a great champion for his city was formed by Garmadon.

· Lloyd grew up listening to the stories of his father Garmadon and Kai and Nya, the only thing he has of them is a photo of Garmadon, Wu, Misako holding Lloyd when he was a newborn and Kai and Nya. Koko and Morro do not appear since at that time the two were in their old home before moving to Misako's mansion. Since then, Lloyd carries the photo everywhere.

· When he first entered school many made fun of him for not having a father, even though Wu has been like his father figure since he grew up, but Lloyd doesn't spend much time with his uncle. She usually gets into a lot of trouble at her school because she is making many pranks next to Harumi, her only and best friend. He even teases Zane, Cole and Jay a lot just to have fun with them since they are his study tutors. Lloyd tries to find out how his father died and about Kai and Nya's disappearance in the explosion ten years ago, this has also led him into trouble with his uncle's men when he sneaks into his uncle's office through the conduits that only he knows.

· His biggest dream is to be a great champion like his father was when he was still living in Ninjago, and thanks to Zane, Cole and Jay his handling of magic on Arcadian stones and crystals has improved a lot, he is practically one of the best students at his school when it comes to controlling magic like his three tutors do.

· Lloyd is usually very bored in class, but he entertains himself a lot in combat and weapons handling classes, but he is not usually the best student in those things, he almost always loses in combat and gets very tired when using heavy weapons such as rifles of practice or the wooden swords. But he is a good shot when using the slingshot or small pellet guns.

· Skylor is the only one who helps him in his combat practices, normally Lloyd would have to get help from his older cousin Morro, but Morro always says that he has better things to do than help his little cousin. And that's one of the reasons why Lloyd always pesters him with petty jokes when they're home. This is why Lloyd prefers Skylor more than Morro, which sometimes angers Morro as he claims that he can be a better teacher than Skylor.

· Lloyd and Harumi met when they first entered school, Harumi belongs to a family of noble merchants and enjoys spending time with Lloyd as it is more fun than just studying in his mansion.

· Lloyd greatly admires Skylor, seeing her as the older sister he never had. He even secretly accompanies her when he discovers that she would go underground to look for clues about the terrorists who attacked Zane, Cole and Jay's laboratory and those who destroyed one of the bridges that connect the underground with Ninjago. Lloyd knows this may be involved in the case ten years ago where his father died and where Kai and Nya went missing, so he fled the case and snuck onto Skylor and the others' transports. But he was discovered by Kai after he saw him moving around in his hiding place along with some boxes.

· He managed to identify Kai thanks to the photo he brought, just like Kai managed to identify Lloyd but because Lloyd inherited Garmadon's eyes. Since then on a few occasions Lloyd asks Kai about what his father was like, but Kai barely has time to talk to Lloyd as both Lloyd and the others try to keep up with Kai through the streets and underground roofs.

· Lloyd gets nervous every time he sees the dangerous guys on the subway and doesn't let go of the others for a second. Seeing Kai in action is quite fascinated, even seeing him with only one arm. Kai sometimes annoys him by naming him numerous childhood nicknames, even annoying him every time he messes up his hair. But he likes it when Kai puts him on his back and they both scale the subway buildings, even when Kai jumps off them, Lloyd feels like he's flying not only beside Kai, but beside his father as well.

· He finds it great to finally meet the rebels his father once worked with and fought with, not many recognize him as Garmadon's biological son as the rebels only mention that Kai and Nya are Garmadon's heirs. That sometimes gets to him but the two brothers comfort him by telling Lloyd that he is as much Garmadon's son as they are.

· Lloyd is grossed out by love things, which is why he always makes disgusted noises or sticks out his tongue whenever he sees Kai trying to flirt with Skylor or Jay trying to flirt with Nya. But Cole annoys him by telling him if he doesn't have feelings for his friend Harumi and Lloyd just angrily yells that she's just his friend.

· Ogre befriends Bentho quickly after Kai and Nya take the two of them for a walk so they can catch up on their situation. When Bentho takes him swimming in the River, Lloyd usually holds on to Bentho's shark tail so he doesn't get left behind.

· As with Morro, Lloyd tends to annoy Kai a bit by making fun of him in some situations. He loves it when Nya tells him about magic and how to make weapons. He is even happy when Kai and Nya tell him about their father, and is amused when the three of them ride Kai's hovercraft, which Nya had kept after going into hiding.

· Benthomaar was born in the city of Merlopia, but his family was killed by slavers who were collecting different spices to sell on the underground black market. And all of that happened when he was only three years old, he has been in a small pond of water with his name written on a tag ever since.

· He was imprisoned for months and received nothing but mistreatment, but was saved by Nya and some rebels who intercepted the sale of dark matter in the market. Nya took him out of the pond and took him with her to the base where she healed his wounds and fed him, unable to find out more about Bentho's family, Nya decided to take care of him and raise him as her younger brother.

· Bentho does not remember much about his family or how they were killed, but he formed new and good memories next to Nya and the members of the resistance whom he considers his new family, Echo was his personal nanny since he lived with Nya, he was the one who he fed him, played with him and took care of him when Nya was on missions.

· She helps Nya a lot with her inventions and with the resistance vehicles, and she was the one who taught her to use the spear and handle the trident. Even Nya helped him swim and since then he became an excellent swimmer. He also learned to use the slingshot.

· Bentho also spends time with Ronin, but it annoys him when he is drunk as he is embarrassed when Ronin raves about how Bentho is he drinks from Nya. But still Bentho sees him as a kind of father to him.

· Benthomaar grew up listening to the stories of Kai, Nya's older brother, and Garmadon, the man who raised her after their parents disappeared during the coup, he even sees how Nya looks longingly at the medallion that was a gift from her father. parents and which contains a photo of his real family.

· Bentho feels somewhat confused by hating the inhabitants of Ninjago, not that he cares but he can see in the rebels an almost excessive hatred towards the inhabitants and nobles of Ninjago. Nya does not show that hatred, but she does know that she hates some members of the royal guard and the terrorist Tyrrant, since they were the cause of the death of Garmadon and Kai.

· When Bentho met Kai, Lloyd and the others were quite surprised as he didn't think Kai was alive all this time, Kai grew fond of him very quickly and Nya grew fond of Lloyd just as quickly. Bentho even manages to befriend Lloyd very quickly.

· As Kai and Nya catch up on his life, Bentho takes Lloyd to his favorite spots on the base, even taking him nowhere in the river that runs through the base, and isn't too bothered by Lloyd holding on to his coa when they are both swimming.

· Bentho saw an uncanny resemblance to Kai and Ronin as they both act goofy when drunk.

· He is usually better than Lloyd when the two play target practice, but Bentho tells him of his tricks to be better, but is quite surprised to see Skylor's skill at target practice using a real gun.

· Bentho sometimes tells Kai that Nya is more responsible than him, since she is more mature and strong and he is somewhat reckless and absent-minded.

· Bentho really enjoys talking to the fish when he's lonely. In addition, several of the adults criticize him for considering him a burden for Nya.

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