The King of Dreams

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· This story was inspired by the famous biblical story of Jose: The Dreamer. Here the role of God will be given to the First Spinjitzu Master, but he will only be called First Master. Garmadon and Koko will play the role of Jacob and Raquel, Lloyd the role of Jose, but he will still have his powers, both of creation and destruction. In the bible Jose has 12 older siblings, (thirteen counting Benjamin, the youngest brother after Jose), but I will narrow them down to just Kai, Cole, Zane and Jay. But only Kai will be the brother who is jealous of Lloyd and the others will not treat him badly. Also the land where Jose grew up will not be called Canaan as seen in the bible, Lloyd's land and tribe will be called Jamanakai.

· The role of the pharaoh will be taken by Wu, along with Misako being his wife, and the main kingdom will be Ninjago. The role of the commander who buys Jose will be played by Morro. In the bible we are told that Jose went to prison for trying to seduce the commander's wife, but here in the story Lloyd will go to prison for a different cause, since in the story I will include new characters and new antagonists, maybe I did not adapt so much to the original story of Jose but at least it is enough to take it as inspiration.

· Harumi will take the role of the commander's wife, but she does not blame Lloyd for seduction, since I have other plans in mind, besides, the role of Lloyd's wife will have Akita.

· Besides, the role of the cupbearer and the baker will be played by Dareth, as the cupbearer and Clutch will play the role of the baker.

· There will be new characters, including the main antagonists Chen, Clouse, and Pythor. Chen would serve as high priest of Wu in the kingdom of Ninjago, being Clouse his assistant and servant, they pray to Gods of destruction for the protection of Ninjago, but in the story those gods are in fact the main threat to Ninjago, the main of those gods will be Omega, as the great god of destruction. Pythor will be the king of the kingdom of Ouroboros, a heavy-handed kingdom and enemy of Ninjago that has been trying to conquer Ninjago for a long time.

· Vex will play the role of Morro's servant, but he along with Chen and Clouse will help him frame Lloyd.

· Ray and Maya will also appear in the story, as will Nya. Ray is the boss and in charge of directing the prison and the work and construction area of ​​the kingdom by using both prisoners and other slaves from different kingdoms. Ray is the best friend of King Wu and Morro, thanks to El Morro he managed to become commander of the kingdom. Maya is a noble woman who is the best friend of Misako and Harumi, and has great sympathy for Akita who is the lady-in-waiting of Queen Misako.

· Ronin also appears in the story, he will participate as Ray's assistant and his second in command, he is somewhat harsh with slaves and prisoners, but he is very fair with those who deserve it. Apart from losing an eye after a prisoner attacked him with a knife after he tried to escape.

· Nya is the only daughter of Ray and Maya, but unlike other women she does not wish to follow the daily activities of a noble woman, Nya wishes to become one of the first female warriors of the kingdom of Ninjago, apart from being able to help the poor slaves who do deserve to be free and treated with respect, since Nya never liked several of the laws against outsiders and slaves of the kingdom of Ninjago, and she wishes to show that not all slaves deserve to be separated from their homes and be treated like animals. This worries her parents from time to time, but they still support her in everything since they think that their daughter could one day be an important woman in the kingdom like them.

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