Emperor of Ninjago (5)

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• After a few years, Lloyd had already turned 12, and even the information Kai provided to Skylor still didn't help the rebels advance. Harumi continued to visit Lloyd regularly and the training that Kai taught Lloyd was getting better and better, and even Kai ended up being the strongest soldier in Garmadon's army, even though he still couldn't fully confront Garmadon, Kai had already managed to several victories against generals. Samukai and Kozu.

• The Resistance, despite having valuable information from Skylor, was still unable to make Garmadon's forces withdraw from the kingdoms still before Garmadon's forces and ensure that the labor camps were destroyed to free all the slaves and prisoners who worked there. Wu still focused on finding the Green Ninja, but the Ninjas always returned unsuccessful in their mission. The Ninjas became the main leaders of the rebellion and Morro continued his violent attacks against Garmadon's armies in different parts of Ninjago.

• Unexpectedly one day Garmadon ordered Kai to prepare Lloyd to escape from the palace, since the Overlord was close to completely recovering his power and wanted to possess Lloyd's body to have his new body since he was not yet able to generate a body himself, Garmadon hearing that knew he had to do everything he could to save Lloyd.

• Garmadon took the Fire Sword from its hiding place and when he summoned Kai to his chambers in private he revealed that the Overlord planned to possess Lloyd to take over his body moment Garmadon asked Kai to quickly plan to escape the palace with Lloyd so he could keep him safe. Garmadon also gave the Fire Sword to Kai so that the Overlord wouldn't keep one of Ninjago's most powerful weapons.

• Kai planned his escape from the palace with Lloyd in detail. Thanks to his maps of the palace, Kai managed to discover secret passages and underground tunnels that led to the outskirts of the palace.

• Kai told Skylor what the Overlord wanted to do with Lloyd and she gave him a map indicating the location of Wu's camp, Skylor had given this map to Kai so he could take Lloyd to safety once he was there they will escape from the palace. When Kai showed the Fire Sword to Lloyd it suddenly began to glow once Lloyd touched it out of curiosity. Kai knew at that moment that Lloyd was the prophesied Green Ninja, since from what he discovered from his research, the Golden Weapons would reveal who would be the chosen one.

• Knowing that Lloyd was the Green Ninja terrified Kai more since if anyone else knew about it, they would not hesitate to kill the boy, thanks to Garmadon giving him the key to his Vengestone bracelets Kai managed to recover his elemental power, but his fire was still somewhat weak from the years of inactivity, it just needed time to recover, but Kai knew he had to flee the palace with Lloyd quickly.

• Kai had told Lloyd about the plan to flee the palace and how the Overlord wanted to possess him to have a new body, Lloyd knew the danger this represented and decided to follow Kai's orders, but before Lloyd managed to inform Harumi and Knowing that they would not see each other again for a while, she said goodbye to her best friend. Kai also said goodbye to Harumi and asked her not to tell anyone about her escape plan. Harumi promised to keep it a secret.

• Lloyd also said goodbye to his father for the last time when he was free from the control of the Overlord and the poison of the Great Devourer, Garmadon knew that he might not see his son again because if the Overlord found out about Lloyd's escape, Garmadon would be completely possessed by the Overlord and affected even more by the poison of the Great Devourer and that would cause him to not be able to have any more lucid moments.

• Kai and Lloyd managed to escape from the palace by using one of the tunnels that connected the city's sewers, Kai also managed to take several books and scrolls of the prophecy and the Overlord, as well as maps of the palace and information about the bases and fields of Garmadon's work. But upon leaving the sewers they were discovered by several guards who tried to capture them. Kai luckily stole a horse and together with Lloyd managed to escape from the kingdom, where they spent weeks trying to reach the Resistance base.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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