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"Take my time down the hall
With my eyes up on the wall
I hear my shoes and I hear my sigh
I watch myself walk out from the light"
.    .    .

My stomach made a loud and embarrassing growl, making me sigh in embarrassment; my stomach was pleading for nourishment. I couldn't stop thinking about food. I was famished. Starving. Crying for food. And it was Zayn's fault. Why did he have to make this huge arse mansion! I was walking with Levi for exact 7 minutes and still, the dining room was miles away from us.

We furthermore strolled for a few minutes and then we stepped into a massive, elegant, jaw-dropping dining room. It wasn't less than some royal dining room. you haven't seen any royal dining room. My subconscious said.

I know shut up, my subconscious mind is a pain in the behind.

"Where am I supposed to sit?" I asked looking at approx 50 fucking chairs.

"On my lap, sweetheart," Zayn said taking out his right leg and devilishly smirked at me. SON OF A MOTHERFUCKING BASTARD! Before my IED could kick in, I heard Levi's voice.

"Here" Levi pulled out two chairs and motioned me to sit beside him, I thanked him and quietly took the allotted seat.

The dinner was provided quickly, well, let me rephrase that. The male chefs served a LOT of food. I curiously looked around to see if there were any females. Part of me wished to find another female because living with nearly hundreds of men didn't sound sane to me, and unfortunately, I couldn't find any female. Zayn's mansion was full of the male population and I was the only female. And I'd be lying if I said this wasn't terrifying.

The food was delivered, in the dining room, about twenty people were seated. Zayn gave everyone a nod, and they all started eating. The food was heavenly delicious, but there were two flaws, one it wasn't my mother's homemade food, and second there was a deafening silence in the dining room. The only thing I could hear was the sound of cutlery. I could also hear the sound of my orbicularis oris muscle contracting and also the sound of my chewed food being swallowed. I couldn't stand it any longer; the silence was grating on my nerves.

I looked up at Levi,who he was happily eating his food without any problem, then I looked at Ace and Octavio As they were sitting beside each other, I noticed they were also eating unbothered and happily and then my eye fell on Zayn. As my eyes met his dark brown once, I felt a spark in my body and my face began to heat. He was already looking at me.

I cleared my throat, earning everyone's attention, then I opened my mouth to speak but quickly closed it because I had no idea what I was going to say to them. 'Hey guys, why aren't you talking?' I grimaced and threw away this sentence. 'Is there a rule that says you can't talk while you're eating?' I scoffed and shook my head. 'You know-

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Ace's voice drew my attention away from my thoughts. I gave him a puzzled look as I glanced at him. Was I actually saying that out loud? If yes, then they would be thinking I'm a psycho.

"You were making a horrible face only a second ago, and now you're scoffing for no apparent reason," Ace told with amusement and confusion hinting from his face. Now that was a horrible face. I mean an amused expression and confused expression is equals to ew expression!

"I was just thinking why you people are not talking" I mouthed my thoughts as I took a bit of an unknown dish, I didn't know what do they call this dish.

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