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“All my emotions
Feel like explosions when you are around”

A Mob boss is someone who has complete power over their mafia and the other crime syndicate. We are feared for our ruthlessness and willingness to take lives in order to wield power and profit from illicit activities. A mafia boss must have intelligence, tenacity, and understanding of their surroundings. Mafia kings and the members lack empathy, whether due to psychological disease, being taught that way, or being desensitised to violence. Commoners referred to us as vicious, merciless, monsters, and so forth. A Mafia boss is tough, cold-hearted, lacks emotion, and remorseless. I was taught to slaughter people, to rule over them, to bark orders at them and to be lethal.

I've learnt everything a Mafia leader should know, and I've conquered every fear. I became the Mafia's mastermind, knowing what to do and when to take action, but when Nyx told me to bring pads, I had no idea what she was talking about. Her mood quickly changed, and she reverted to her angry self. It took me a few seconds to figure out what she was saying. When we were in the basement, I could sense the hesitation in her voice. I've spent my life learning and becoming a strong mafia king, and I have stayed far away from women's issues. Because of one reason, I've never let a woman in my life. Except for my mother, there were no women in my family. As a result, this was the first time I encountered this problem.

I called Hunter as soon as I walked inside my office. I recalled what she had requested me to bring; as far as I recall, she had asked me to bring large-sized sanitary pads. I couldn't deny the uneasiness I was experiencing. My shoes were tapping uncomfortably against the floor. To calm myself, I ran my fingers through my hair and sipped water. My thoughts returned to Nyx and her state. I couldn't help but be concerned for her.

My office's door opened, Hunter walked in “Boss” he reported.

I cleared my throat and asked, “What do you know about sanitary pads?” Hunter's face turned blank. He was well-known for his quick responses and smart planning. It was unusual to see Hunter in this situation. He opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it again.

Taking his silence as answer “I want you to bring me our ten men who know about menstruation, as fast as possible.” I commanded. He hesitantly nodded his head in yes.

“Yes, boss,” he said and left the room.

I opened my laptop and searched the internet for information on menstruation and how I might assist her. Several methods and advice flashed on my screen; some claimed that menstruation was unpleasant and caused mood swings. After reading a few articles, my mind was blown. I looked for a solution to her suffering. I kept browsing and scrolling through the internet until I knew everything there was to know about menstruation.

Once again the door opened and Hunter came with ten members of our Mafia. I stood up from my throne, examining them carefully. “I believe you all are fully aware of menstruation,” I said.

“Yes, boss” they replied in unison. “I want the best company large size sanitary pads on my table within twenty minutes. Am I clear?” I ordered.

“Yes, boss” they replied in unison and signalled them to leave my office.

They all rushed out and Ace came in. His eyebrow was raised in confusion “What was the fuss about?” he asked.

“I told them to bring sanitary pads,” I said. Ace slowly nodded his head. I could tell there was something going on in his head and it was about Nyx.

“So, she's on her periods, that means—”

“Stop right there brother, don't overthink” I stopped Ace before he could say something inappropriate. He sighed and began to text someone.

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