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"Don't need no butterflies when you give me the whole damn zoo"
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Christopher Malik sounded to be a familiar name at first, but when I realised who it was, I found myself paralyzed for two minutes or maybe more. Not by their appearance and wealth, but by their deeds of kindness, love, respect, honesty, and loyalty, a person becomes ten times more appealing. And if a person lacks any of these characteristics, they become nothing but a major bloody nightmare. The man who gave off the impression of being a complete jerk, arrogant, arsehole, and a tremendous headache wasn't just any random, ordinary professor; he was Zayn's father! Christopher Malik was our very own professor, who was denoted as Mr Malik. He was the reason why I no longer have a normal life, not that I had a normal life before but living with Mafia men was like sitting on a rollercoaster. Who would have guessed that Mr Malik was Zayn's father?

Does this imply Zayn's real name was not Zayn Phoenix but apparently it was Zayn Malik, and if so, why did he and his brother change their surnames? Whatever the reason would be I found Zayn Malik sexier than Zayn Phoenix. Things were becoming more convoluted, and I needed someone to sort them out before my head exploded.

"Ice cream?" Levi said, making me snap out of my thoughts, he offered my favourite ice cream flavour and I gladly accepted it. Levi and dark chocolate ice were all I needed but I had four more companies, one of them was sitting before me, and the rest were on my left side. Everyone was very well aware that I was exhausted; They still forced me to join Zayn and everyone in Zayn's office.

"How are you feeling?" Hunter asked me as he sipped his coffee.

I sighed and replied "Every part of my body is in pain" I exaggerated my answer because I was trying to escape from tomorrow's workout.

"I can help with that," Ace said with a huge nasty smirk dominating his face, making me cringe. His smirk indicated that he had something dirty going on in his mind.

"Shut up, Ace" everyone snapped in unison.

"It's hard for me to believe Mr Malik is your father," I said, swallowing my ice cream.

"He isn't deserving of the title of father," Zayn said, keeping his eyes glued on his table's surface and his jaw clenched.

"He's worth it; you simply didn't give him a chance since you were so preoccupied with your job that you even forgot that I ever existed!" Levi snapped raising his voice, I was taken aback by his outburst because I've never seen him raising his voice until today. The topic of 'Family' has always been a soft topic for Levi as he always desired to have one but like he said he was forced not to have one. And due to the fact that Zayn was the one who forced him to stay away from his parents, Levi began to hate Zayn.

"Chance? So he could turn you into a killer like me as well? I was protecting you from our father's evil plan, or he would have made you murder people" Zayn replied, raising his voice as well. I internally gasped when I heard him saying that, it was unbelievable that his father was the reason for him being the Mafia king. More shocking thing was that Zayn raised his voice at Levi, which he never did.

Levi abruptly stood up from his seat and shouted "He would never do such a thing!" except for the brothers who were busy shouting at each other, everyone shifted uncomfortably.

Zayn stood up from his throne as well and snapped "Then who do you think made me a Mafia leader? Who forced me to be the Mafia leader? Malik is a selfish man who will go to any length to achieve what he wants! And I am the living proof! He wanted to be the Mafia king, but he was too afraid to fight men twice his size, so he forced me to fight them instead, he forced me to be the Mafia king instead. He wanted to build an empire, but he wasn't a leader; he was a coward, and when things started to fall apart, he backed out, leaving me to deal with the mess that he created!" As Zayn confessed everyone was shocked except Ace maybe he knew everything. Zayn's confessions made Levi silent.

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