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"It's on your face,
and I'm to blame"

Anger thrummed through Zayn's veins. He was aggressively pacing inside his office. About hundreds and more people were present inside his office waiting for him to unleash his wrath. The more Zayn stayed consumed, silent the scarier he became. He commanded all people who were fighting against Simon and his men to gather in his office. Unsurprisingly, everyone was terrified of Zayn's reaction, even Ace. Ace was thinking of ways to minimise Zayn's anger, others were persuading Ace to control Zayn's anger as well. Levi was sent to his room because he wasn't part of the fight. I was feeling strange and awkward standing with hundreds of men. I could sense the intense environment built up by Zayn's anger which was yet to unleash.

Zayn stopped pacing. He walked towards his table and slammed his hands on the surface of the table making the things kept on the table jump. His muscles grew tense, veins bulging out of his head, his jaw tightly clenched. He glared at all of us. "Why didn't anyone inform me about the attack in my fucking mansion?" he hissed.

None of us dared to reply to him, we just kept exchanging glances with each other hoping someone, more precisely Ace would speak but neither he spoke nor anyone. "Answer me!" he roared. His voice was loud. Thunderous.

"Boss," Hunter said with hesitation, he appeared to be terrified just like the rest of us "we- uh-we"

"Don't fucking stutter" Zayn yelled, making me flinch. He walked towards Ace and said "Ace, you always have something to say, why aren't you saying anything right now? Go on, tell me why you didn't call me when our home got attacked?" Just like Hunter, Ace couldn't say anything. He was just standing on his spot motionlessly. The deafening silence was washed over the office, I could clearly hear the clicking sound of Zayn's shoes.

"And you," Zayn said, stepping towards me. I tightly closed my eyes when he towered me. He pressed his large warm hands to each side of my cheeks "How many times did I tell you to stay in the damn room?" he asked, calmly yet dangerously. Goosebumps rose in my entire body. I stayed silent with my eyes closed. Zayn was beyond angry, he looked dangerous and hot at the same time. "Do you not have a gunshot wound?" he added "C'mon love, answer me" I nodded my head in yes, opening my eyes. As soon as my eyes met his dark ones, he cupped my cheeks even harder making my heart skip a beat.

"What did I tell you about using words?" Zayn said, reminding me of our intimate training session where he asked me to use words. My cheeks heated up.

"Yes," I said, gaining enough courage to speak.

"Is it healed?" he said, removing his hands from my cheeks. He stepped away, glaring at me.

"No," I replied.

"Then why the fucking hell did you step out of the room?" Zayn said, "Do you think of yourself as a superhero?"

"Those people won't think twice before they put bullets in your head. You can't be a superhero till you learn to harm others without feeling guilty." Zayn snapped "What the fuck were you even thinking?"

He glared at all of us with disappointment hinting from his expressions, he let out a sigh and said "You guys have disappointed me in a way that I can't express."

He then exited the office and slammed the door behind him. We couldn't do anything thing except for watching the door being slammed. Things didn't go as I thought they would. I expected him to yell at us, but he didn't. He was extremely disappointed with us. I felt awful about not thinking about Zayn the entire time. He always listened to me, whereas I was the complete opposite. I didn't even try to listen to him. It felt bad seeing him like that.

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